
You have to get rid of the lizards immediately.

  12 Juni 2024 13:00 - Cicaks are one of the reptiles that have the potential to spread bacteria. Not without reason, lizards often crawl on walls, floors, tables and so on. The traces left behind can contain dangerous bacteria. When lizard tracks are not cleaned properly, bacteria can be transferred to food or human hands, which can cause disease. Therefore, you have to get rid of the lizards immediately.

Usually a number of people will make traps or pitfalls as a way to keep lizards away . However, instead of having to make traps and throw away the carcasses of trapped lizards, there are other tricks that are more practical and effective for getting rid of lizards.

To be clearer, this trick to get rid of lizards was shared by Instagram user @rumah_shahia. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on one kitchen spice to naturally repel lizards. Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @rumah_shahia on Wednesday (12/6), the kitchen spice in question is ground pepper.

Effective and natural tricks for getting rid of lizards.

How to use it is quite easy. First of all, prepare a spray bottle first. Then pour 1 glass of water. Just put 1-2 packets of ground pepper in a spray bottle, the dosage can be adjusted according to the water used.

effective and natural tricks for getting rid of lizards  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Next, close the bottle and shake until the pepper is mixed evenly with the water. That way, this liquid is ready to use. Spray it on walls or areas where lizards often visit. Or you can also pour the liquid onto a table or flat surface so that the lizards don't come again.

"The lizard will become irritated if exposed to this solution, and will give up again," explained Instagram @rumah_shahia.

effective and natural tricks for getting rid of lizards  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Furthermore, Instagram user @rumah_shahia admitted that this liquid can last for several days. However, for maximum results, you should spray pepper water regularly. This was explained further in the comments column when a netizen asked.

"What happens if the solution is dry? Does it still matter?" asked the Instagram account @fajriyanifanny.

"I spray it every night, sis... It's still effective for 1-2 days. Maybe you can repeat it again," explained Instagram @rumah_shahia.

effective and natural tricks for getting rid of lizards  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Viewed more than 87 thousand times, this video about tricks for driving away lizards immediately received a flood of comments from netizens. Many other Instagram users admit that they often experience the same problem at home. Therefore, this trick to get rid of lizards is very useful and easy to imitate.

"Wow, I need to try this, I was really annoyed when I mopped in the afternoon and there was already lizard droppings again," wrote the Instagram account @dwitasyaraka.

"Wow, you have to try this, like zebeel if there are lizards," explained Instagram @aeni_airen.

"Actually, I just found out," replied Instagram @bumi.kahiji.

"Just found out about this tip, I want to try it at home with lots of lizards," commented the Instagram account @ipaismail.

"It's easy, you can try the ingredients," said Instagram @indahjamilah.
