The ingredients needed are simple, and the method of making it doesn't take long, and the results are unique. SEE MORE...
Using only 3 kitchen ingredients, here's how to repel mosquitoes without special drugs or sprays.
Tricks for storing whole ginger so it lasts up to four months, doesn't dry out or rot easily
This trick for making grilled chicken saves time by only using 3 kitchen spices, the result is tender and perfectly cooked.
Would work as a substitute for cinnamon, heres how to make powdered chicken broth thats healthier and still tastes umami
[QUIZ] Discover the interesting side of yourself that you never realized through your choice of spices
How to treat allergic skin after being bitten by an insect, just use these 2 kitchen ingredients
Automatically closes again even without rubber, here's a trick to close the sachet seasoning packaging again in 5 seconds
Without special chemical fertilizers, here are some tricks to make plants bear fruit quickly using only 3 kitchen ingredients.
No need to buy insect repellent, here's how to make an ant-killing potion using only 2 kitchen spices
The husband's ridiculous behavior of being told to go to the market to buy kitchen spices is very related, Rp. 50 thousand flying around
[QUIZ] How good are you as a prospective son-in-law based on your ability to differentiate these kitchen spices?
The government will impose excise taxes, these 9 food ingredients could be a substitute for MSG
[QUIZ] From galangal to ginger, test your knowledge by guessing the names of these rhizome spices
[QUIZ] Don't say it wrong! Try to test your knowledge, what is the name of the leaves that give this cooking aroma?
Using 1 kitchen ingredient, this trick for dealing with wrinkled clothes so that they are neat without ironing is suitable for magerans
Not many people know, here's a trick to make your food smell better, knowledge from native Padang people
Just use 2 simple ingredients, here's a trick for blowing out the yellow crust from turmeric in a blender so it's clear again
No need to wash it repeatedly, this is an effective trick to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands
[QUIZ] Your knowledge of kitchen spices reveals the type of your future in-laws
Without detergent, this is an effective way to remove stains on pillowcases, just add 1 kitchen spice
Without a refrigerator, this is how to preserve onions so they don't rot and dry for months using 1 kitchen ingredient
How to store shrimp paste so that it lasts a long time, doesn't get soft and is anti-fungal
Don't add onions, this is the trick so that the cooking oil doesn't foam and remains clear when used
Without making a trap, this is an effective way to catch lizards using just 1 kitchen spice
Not wrapped in paper, the trick is to store garlic so it doesn't rot and turn black for months without a refrigerator
Without soaking it in water, this is a trick for storing basil so that it stays fresh and doesn't turn yellow for 5 days
Age 50 becomes 30 years younger, this is how to tighten wrinkles and sagging face using 2 kitchen spices
Without rubbing with dish soap, this is a trick to get rid of the sap and smell of garlic on your hands
Instead of soaking in hot water, this quick trick to peel shallots does not need to be done one by one and without the drama of crying
Not taken with a needle, this is a trick to overcome compromised skin, just rely on 1 kitchen spice
Instead of plastic packaging, this is how to store kaffir lime leaves so they are fresh for up to 1 week without a refrigerator
Not citrus, this man's way of cleaning limescale on motorbike gas rubber is effective by using an additional 1 kitchen spice
Without rubbing with baking soda, this is how to get rid of moss on the bathroom floor, just add 1 kitchen spice
Using 3 kitchen spices, this is an effective trick to get rid of cockroaches without chemicals
Without leaving it in the sun all day, here's a trick to quickly get rid of ants from a jar of sugar using kitchen spices
Without drying, this woman has a way to store orange leaves so they stay fresh for 1 week at room temperature
Now living in a 4-story luxury house, these 11 portraits of Sandra Dewi's kitchen are simple but make your mouth water
Tricks to remove yellow stains from your teeth using just 1 kitchen spice will make them white and shiny again
White in 2 minutes, here's how to remove yellow stains from your teeth with 1 type of kitchen spice
How to make your teeth bright white like bleaching using 1 type of kitchen spice, plaque will automatically clean without any residue
Following Fuji has a magnificent house at the age of 23, 11 portraits of Fadly Faisal's kitchen is luxurious but rarely used for cooking