
Peeling garlic doesn't hurt your eyes, unlike red onions.

  15 Juli 2024 22:00 - Garlic is one of the spices that is almost used in various dishes. To make it even tastier, some people even use large amounts of garlic.

When you want to use it, the garlic must be peeled first. Do you want to use a knife or do it manually using your hands? Peeling garlic doesn't hurt your eyes, unlike red onions.

However, the distinctive aroma of garlic sometimes sticks to your hands and is difficult to remove. Even though your hands have been washed repeatedly with soap, you can still smell the strong aroma of garlic.

As a solution, a number of people deliberately sprinkle their hands with coffee. After leaving it for a while, wash your hands with soap as usual. Because the smell of the onions has been absorbed by the coffee, your hands will be as clean as possible, free from odor.

But if you don't want your coffee stock to go to waste, you can copy how to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands shown by Instagram user @siti_setyowati_. In their video uploads, these mothers don't seem to rely on any one ingredient.

So how?

Effective tricks to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands  2024

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

At the beginning of the video, he is seen peeling and slicing garlic. After investigating, sliced garlic is used as a basic ingredient in cooking.

After he finished slicing, he realized that his fingers smelled of onions. To get rid of the smell of garlic, he immediately washes his hands with soap and then rinses them.

"It's been washed many times and it still smells like onions," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @siti_setyowati_ on Monday (15/7).

Effective tricks to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands  2024

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

As a solution, even though he doesn't use any materials, he still relies on one tool. He took a kitchen utensil made from stainless steel, namely a pan. His fingers immediately rubbed the surface of the bottom of the pan several times.

"Because with stainless steel, molecules will move so that the smell disappears," said the owner of the video.

Effective tricks to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands  2024

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

After rubbing for a while, the smell of garlic disappeared. If so, just rinse your hands using running water. It's easy, isn't it?
