foto: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

The foam that appears indicates a reaction between the oil and the water content.

  6 Januari 2025 17:00 - Cooking oil is always relied on in various cooking methods, especially frying food. However, cooking oil can often foam when used, especially when used to fry food such as eggs. The foam that appears indicates a reaction between the oil and the water or protein content in the food being fried.

The appearance of foam when frying eggs or other ingredients can be caused by several factors. One of them is the water content that is still in the food, which then reacts with hot oil and turns it into foam. In addition, oil that has been used repeatedly or oil with low quality is also more prone to producing foam.

But if the cooking oil has only been used once and immediately foams, there is a trick that can be done to overcome it. An Instagram user @siti_setyowati_ once revealed it directly through one of the videos she uploaded. She admitted that there is one kitchen spice that can be relied on to remove excess foam in this used cooking oil.

tricks to remove foam from used cooking oil  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @siti_setyowati_ on Monday (6/1), the kitchen spice in question is garlic . How to use it, you only need to heat the cooking oil. Then put one peeled clove of garlic into it.

tricks to remove foam from used cooking oil  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

Now, fry the garlic while stirring the oil so that the foam can disappear. Do this process for a few moments until the cooking oil is clean again. If it is free of foam, the cooking oil can be reused immediately to fry various other foods.

tricks to remove foam from used cooking oil  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

It should be noted that the use of garlic is commonly relied on to remove excess foam from used cooking oil because of the natural compounds it contains. When fried, garlic releases sulfur compounds such as allicin, which have the ability to bind and neutralize the remains of water, protein, or other compounds that cause foam to form.

In addition, garlic also has antioxidant properties that can help reduce oil damage and improve the quality of used cooking oil. When added to hot oil, garlic can help reduce foam by binding water molecules in the oil, reducing the possibility of excessive foam formation. Therefore, cooking oil becomes cleaner.

This video about the trick to remove foam from cooking oil immediately caught the attention of netizens and has been watched more than 11 thousand times. Who would have thought, there were several other Instagram users who then gave direct responses in the comments column. These netizens expressed their gratitude for getting new, useful knowledge.

"Thank you for the knowledge KK, very useful," said Instagram @ariani8573.

"Thank you, sis," wrote the Instagram account @pnjmawar.
