YouTube/Sindy Tristanti

Usually it only takes 2 days for it to rot.

  1 Mei 2024 21:00 - Basil is often consumed as a side dish for heavy dishes. However, quite a few people also deliberately mix basil with various dishes. Mixed with pepes, chili sauce, soupy dishes, or other dishes, for example. This is because basil has a delicious taste and distinctive aroma.

Therefore, a number of people deliberately buy basil in large quantities. The goal is that basil can be used as stock. When you need it, just take the basil stock stored in the refrigerator.

Unfortunately, even though it has been stored in the refrigerator, basil stock usually still changes color. Even the distinctive aroma has disappeared. So it's useless, right?

So that the stored basil doesn't rot quickly, soak it in water first before storing it in the refrigerator. This way, not only will it be fresh, the basil will also remain bright green.

However, if you don't want the hassle of changing the soaking water every day, you can copy the method for storing basil shown by Instagram user @diidii_winfleur. In the video upload, this netizen did not soak his basil stock in water, you know. Even so, the basil stock remains fresh and does not turn yellow for days.

"Because the arrival was delayed, I found out that the basil was kept strong for 4 or even 5 days in the refrigerator. "Usually it only takes 2 days for it to rot but this is still good," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @diidii_winfleur on Wednesday (1/5).

Curious about how?

Tricks for storing basil so that it stays fresh and doesn't turn yellow for days.

First, put the oil paper upside down (the shiny side is on the outside). Then place the basil on top and wrap it tightly.

"The glossy part on the outside so that dew doesn't get inside. "And the dew on the paper is absorbed," explained the video owner.

basil stock lasts 5 daily  2024

photo: Instagram/@diidii_winfleur

Insert the oil paper package into the plastic. Without needing to close it tightly, put the plastic directly into the refrigerator in the chiller section.

basil stock lasts 5 daily  2024

photo: Instagram/@diidii_winfleur

Basil stored in this way will maintain its fresh quality. This was proven when netizens showed the appearance of basil that had been stored for 4 days.

basil stock lasts 5 daily  2024

photo: Instagram/@diidii_winfleur

It's a little wilted. "You can soak this in cold water for 1 hour to make it beautiful again," he said.

Tricks for growing basil at home so that it grows well and has thick leaves.

To grow basil at home so that it grows well and has thick leaves, you can follow the following tricks.

1. Choose the right location.

Basil likes full sun, so make sure you place it in a location that gets at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. However, if you live in an area with hot weather, also provide some shade during the day.

2. Good soil.

Make sure the soil where you plant basil has good drainage so that the water does not stagnate. You can also add compost or manure to the soil to provide additional nutrients.

3. Selecting a suitable pot or container.

If you plant basil in a pot or container, make sure it is large enough to provide enough space for the roots to grow. Use a pot with drainage holes in the bottom.

4. Proper watering.

Basil likes consistent soil moisture, but not too wet. Water the basil plants regularly, but make sure not to give them too much water so that the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.

5. Pruning.

Regular pruning will stimulate the growth of thicker leaves. When the plant reaches a height of around 10-15 cm, cut the tips to stimulate the growth of new branches.

By following the tips above, you can grow basil at home with lush, dense leaves.
