Symptoms of allergies due to insect bites can vary.

  5 September 2024 17:00 - Allergic skin after being bitten by insects is a common problem that can cause discomfort and irritation. Insect bites such as mosquitoes, ants, bees, or fleas can trigger allergic reactions in some people, which are characterized by the appearance of red bumps, itching, and swelling in the bite area. This allergic reaction occurs because the body reacts to foreign substances that enter due to insect bites or stings .

Symptoms of insect bite allergies can vary from mild to severe, depending on the individual's sensitivity and the type of insect. In mild cases, symptoms are usually limited to itching and slight swelling that resolves within a few days. However, in more serious cases, reactions can involve extensive swelling, intense pain, and even systemic symptoms such as fever or shortness of breath, requiring immediate medical attention.

Treating allergies due to insect bites requires the right steps to relieve symptoms and prevent further infection. Using antihistamine or corticosteroid creams can help reduce itching and inflammation, while cold compresses can reduce swelling. In addition, there are other ways to treat mild allergies from insect bites.

This method was once done by YouTube user Arnil Family. Through one of the videos uploaded, the netizen admitted to only using simple ingredients found at home. Some of them even came from kitchen ingredients. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Arnil Family on Thursday (5/9), the kitchen ingredients in question are salt and vegetable oil.

How to treat allergic skin using salt  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Arnil Family

Well, besides salt and vegetable oil, she also uses eucalyptus oil. So, just put the table salt in a container, then add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and vegetable oil. Stir immediately until smooth, then apply to the skin affected by insect bites.

"This could be an alternative medicine," said YouTube Arnil Family.

How to treat allergic skin using salt  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Arnil Family

Basically, salt has long been used as a natural treatment for various skin conditions, including relieving mild allergies due to insect bites. Reporting from, a Dermatological Science journal explains that salt has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the skin affected by insect bites. This property helps relieve the itching and irritation that often accompanies mild allergic reactions.

How to treat allergic skin using salt  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Arnil Family

On the other hand, salt also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can help prevent infection in the bitten skin area. Applying a saline solution or making a salt compress on an insect bite can clean the bite area and reduce the risk of infection.

Salt can also draw fluid out of swollen skin cells through osmosis. This helps reduce swelling and soothe irritated skin. Meanwhile, the drying properties of salt help dry out blisters or minor cuts caused by insect bites, speeding up the healing process.
