foto: Instagram/@rumahmangga1 - Catfish is a type of fish that is often sold alive in traditional markets and supermarkets. This is done to maintain the freshness of the fish so that it remains prime when processed into various delicious dishes. Catfish is known to have savory meat and a soft texture, making it a favorite choice for frying, grilling, or processing into various specialties. However, before it can be enjoyed, there are challenges in the processing process, especially when having to kill this fish.
Catfish are known as fish that are difficult to kill because they have very strong endurance, even outside the water. This condition often makes it difficult for people to process them, because catfish can continue to move and fight for quite a long time. To ensure that the fish is really dead before being cleaned and cooked, special techniques are needed such as hitting its head with a hard object or breaking its neck carefully.
This challenge makes some people feel hesitant or reluctant to process catfish themselves at home. In fact, instead of implementing this method, there is another trick that is more practical in killing catfish. This trick was once shared by a netizen with the Instagram account @rumahmangga1. In one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to only using one kitchen spice to kill catfish quickly.
photo: Instagram/@rumahmangga1
As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumahmangga1 on Wednesday (22/1), the kitchen spice in question is salt. So, you only need to put the catfish in a large container. Then immediately sprinkle a lot of salt on the surface of the catfish. Stir for a while and let the catfish die on its own.
photo: Instagram/@rumahmangga1
Basically, sprinkling salt on catfish can kill them because salt causes drastic changes in the osmotic balance in the fish's body. Catfish, like other freshwater fish, have an osmoregulation system that functions to maintain the balance of salt and fluid levels in their bodies. When sprinkled in large quantities, the salt concentration outside the fish's body becomes much higher than inside its body. This causes water from inside the catfish's body to flow out quickly through the process of osmosis to balance the salt levels around it.
photo: Instagram/@rumahmangga1
As a result of the drastic release of water, the cells in the catfish's body experience dehydration which causes disruption of vital organ function, such as the gills and circulatory system. The gills that should function to filter oxygen from the water are actually disrupted due to changes in osmotic pressure, so that the catfish have difficulty breathing and eventually die in a relatively short time.
In addition, salt can also stimulate the production of excessive mucus on the skin of catfish as a natural protective response. However, if the salt content is too high, this mucus can cause blockage in the gills and accelerate the death of the fish. Therefore, this method is often used as an easier and more practical way to make catfish calmer before the processing process.
This video about the trick to kill catfish immediately caught the attention of netizens and got more than 15 thousand viewers. Therefore, many other Instagram users then gave direct responses in the comments column. Most netizens admitted to getting new knowledge after watching the video.
"Wow, nice info. I'm really amused, sis. But your child likes catfish," said Instagram @rumahlesa.
"I got new knowledge again, it turns out the secret is using salt," wrote the Instagram account @muthahhara.
"Haha, sometimes I move around like this too, sis," said Instagram user @endang_weka.
"I often do this too... I leave it alone for a while, sometimes I don't put it in the fridge until it stops moving and then I wash it," commented the Instagram account @adiba.home_.
"Thanks for the tips," said Instagram @rumah_anfida.