foto: Instagram/@vhe.veronicaa

Although it can make catfish straight, flour can also affect the overall taste and texture.

  22 September 2024 11:30

Catfish is known for its savory taste and soft meat texture, so it is widely favored by various groups. In addition to its deliciousness, catfish also has high nutritional value. This fish is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals that are important for the body. The content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in catfish is also beneficial for heart and brain health.

In addition, catfish is also easy to process into various types of dishes, ranging from rica-rica catfish, pecak catfish, to mangut catfish. Fried catfish is one of the popular dishes. In addition to being easy to process, fried catfish has a savory taste and a crispy texture. However, there is one challenge that many people often experience when making this catfish dish, namely the frying process.

Frying catfish can change its original shape from straight to curved. In addition, catfish also has the potential to become soft if the frying process is careless. To prevent this, many people then use special tricks, such as coating the fish with flour.

Flour batter is considered to be able to keep the shape of catfish straight when fried. However, it should be noted that flour can also affect the overall taste and texture. Instead of using flour, you can imitate the trick shared by Instagram user @vhe.veronicaa when frying catfish so that it remains straight. Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to only using one simple tool.

As reported by BrilioFood on Sunday (21/9), the simple tool in question is a skewer. So, this skewer will be inserted into the catfish before frying. The skewer will maintain the straight shape of the catfish. That way, the shape of the fish will not be curved and will be crispier when fried.


When frying catfish, use a lot of oil. Then heat and sprinkle the oil with flour so that the catfish does not explode and remains intact. After that, fry the catfish using medium heat so that it is evenly cooked and perfectly crispy. When it is cooked, remove and drain. That way, the fried catfish is ready to eat. Since it was uploaded on Sunday (15/9), the video about this catfish frying trick has been watched more than 50 thousand times. It is not surprising that many other Instagram users are interested and also provide direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens admit that the trick is very useful to imitate. "These tips are really useful, sis yumm," said Instagram @caca.kayeen. "That's right, I never thought at all, if you fry catfish it will definitely bend, thanks for sharing," commented the Instagram account "For me... don't fry too much... it can be straight, it doesn't roll," wrote the Instagram account @septifitriani426.

