YouTube/Falis Official

Because this flour can also affect the texture and taste of catfish.

  28 Agustus 2024 18:00 - One of the obstacles that many people often experience when processing catfish is at the frying stage. When fried, catfish easily bends because it is exposed to drastic heat. When catfish bends when fried, not only does it look less attractive, but the inside can also be cooked unevenly.

Some people usually coat catfish with flour. Well, this flour serves to maintain the straight shape of the catfish when fried. That way, the shape will remain beautiful and not curved.

However, it should be noted that the use of this flour can also affect the texture and taste of catfish. If you want the taste of the fish to remain original and savory, this trick from YouTube user Falis Official can be imitated. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted not to using flour. However, there is one other kitchen ingredient that can be relied on to keep catfish straight when fried.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Falis Official on Tuesday (27/8), the kitchen ingredient used is salt. Well, this salt can keep catfish from falling apart when fried. In addition, catfish that is given salt tends to be free of mucus and is not sticky.

tricks for frying catfish without flour  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Falis Official

Simply sprinkle salt all over the catfish that has had its gills cleaned. Then rub it evenly and let it sit for a while. In addition to removing mucus, this salt can also make catfish not smell fishy, you know.

tricks for frying catfish without flour  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Falis Official

While waiting for the catfish, prepare the marinade. In the video, YouTube user Falis Official uses 1 tbsp of coriander, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 pieces of turmeric, and 1 piece of ginger that are mashed with salt. Once smooth, mix the spices with enough water and stir until evenly mixed.

Next, take the salted catfish and wash it thoroughly under running water. Then, cut the meat and coat the catfish with the marinade evenly. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes to allow the spices to fully absorb.

tricks for frying catfish without flour  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Falis Official

Well, the marinated catfish can be fried directly. The method is, pour a lot of oil into a wide frying pan. The wider the pan, the better because the catfish's tail is not bent. Next, heat the cooking oil and sprinkle with enough flour so that the catfish does not stick or explode.

tricks for frying catfish without flour  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Falis Official

Then add the seasoned catfish. Fry the catfish until cooked. To prevent it from bending, it is best to turn the catfish over when the texture is already a bit dense and crispy. Then continue frying until perfectly cooked. Finally, drain the catfish and serve as a side dish.
