foto: Instagram/@hezadaffa

It feels savory, kicking spice, makes you more hungry.

  4 Juli 2024 02:30 - If you're in Jogja, don't miss trying mangut catfish. This processed catfish is cooked in coconut milk sauce so it tastes delicious and the spices kick. If you want to try making it yourself at home, take a peek at the Jogja typical mangut catfish recipe which was reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @hezadaffa.

Jogja's typical catfish mangut recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@hezadaffa

- 1/2 kg of fried catfish
- 1 small package of coconut milk
- Whole bird's eye chilies to taste
- Basil to taste
- 1 crushed lemongrass
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 kaffir lime leaves
- Crushed galangal
- Salt, seasoning, sugar to taste
- Enough water

Ground spices:
- 1 tsp coriander
- 3 garlic
- 4 red onions
- 2 segments of turmeric
- 1 galangal
- 2 candlenuts

How to make:
1. Saute ground spices with galangal, bay leaves and kaffir lime leaves until fragrant.
2. Add coconut milk, add enough water, add salt, seasoning.
3. Add the fried catfish, then add the whole bird's eye chilies, stir well.
4. Check the taste, just before lifting add the basil, stir briefly then turn off the heat.
5. Mangut catfish is ready to be served.
