Don't let your botok go to waste because it's not tasty to eat. SEE MORE...
Tricks for frying crispy mushrooms so that they use minimal oil and stay crispy for up to 2 months
11 Inspirations for Asmirandah's chicken dishes, delicious and loved by the family
Easy way to decorate tumpeng with simple ingredients to make it more attractive and look luxurious, suitable for beginners
10 side dishes made by Ayu Ting Ting that are simple, practical home dishes
No need to coat it in flour, here's a trick to frying catfish so that the results are straight and crispier.
Tricks to make crispy eggplant that lasts long without rice flour
[QUIZ] The number of dishes on your plate reveals how well you can complete a sudden overtime assignment from your boss
[QUIZ] Between side dishes and vegetables, which do you eat last? It turns out to reveal your hidden fears
The trick for frying an omelet is to make it even curlier, it will immediately expand in 3 seconds