foto: Instagram/@ammaizza1

In this way, it is guaranteed that the eggs will be safer and more hygienic because there is minimal contamination.

  20 Juli 2024 11:30

Eggs are a food ingredient that is often processed into various kinds of dishes. Not only are they versatile, eggs also have high nutritional content which is important for body health. Reporting from, eggs contain high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals. Apart from that, the healthy fat content in egg yolks also plays a role in maintaining heart health.

The high level of nutrition in eggs means that this food ingredient is often stored in large quantities as stock. Indeed, eggs are always suitable as a healthy menu that is easy to make. You can even fry or boil it directly with a little salt and then eat it.

So, if you are someone who often has a stock of eggs in the kitchen, make sure you know how to store them , okay? The reason is, stored eggs could potentially be contaminated. This comes from exposure to water and air on the surface of the egg shell.

When wanting to store eggs, many people still often wash them first with water. However, this method can increase bacterial contamination which causes eggs to rot quickly. On the other hand, there are also those who only wipe the egg shells with a tissue when they want to store them.

Even though you know what? Actually, there are other methods that are safer when it comes to cleaning eggs from dirt. This egg cleaning trick was shared by Instagram user @ammaizza1. Through one of his uploaded videos, he admitted that this method was safer than washing eggs by rinsing and rubbing them directly.


To do this, just prepare a bowl and fill it with enough warm water. If so, slightly dip the tip of a clean cloth. Then squeeze until the water is completely gone. Next, use the tip of the cloth to wipe all the dirty egg shells.

