
Cleaning a washing machine that requires dismantling is quite complicated. Moreover, not everyone can disassemble a washing machine properly.

  1 Juni 2024 11:30

Brilio.net - Washing machines that have been used for a long time can certainly get dirty. Even if you look closely, the inside of the washing machine looks mossy and full of scale. If the washing machine is already moldy and full of crust, it will make the clothes being washed not be as clean as possible.

Before using it for washing again, you need to clean the washing machine. Well, some people usually disassemble the washing machine first. Once done, clean the inside and outside and then scrub with a soap solution. After that, rinse and then reinstall the washing machine as before.

However, the trick for cleaning a washing machine that requires dismantling is quite complicated. Moreover, not everyone can disassemble a washing machine properly. As a solution, you can imitate the method done by TikTok user @rumah_home2.

A woman using the TikTok account @rumah_home2 shows every step of cleaning a washing machine without needing to dismantle it . Even so, the washing machine remained maximally clean as expected.

Curious about how?

This effective way to clean a washing machine will make it shine and add 1 kitchen ingredient.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @rumah_home2 on Friday (31/5), pour warm water into the washing machine. Then put 1 packet of citrus in it. If your stock of citrus is running out, you can replace it with baking soda and vinegar, OK?

wash the washing machine using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumah_home2

To make it cleaner, this woman also added one kitchen ingredient, namely dishwashing soap, to the washing machine. Then turn on the washing machine as usual. If so, leave the washing machine for 1-2 hours.

"The longer the soaking time, the better the results," said the video owner.

wash the washing machine using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumah_home2

After soaking for 2 hours, throw away the water in the washing machine. Take the filter part then scrub it using an old toothbrush. If so, put it back in its original position.

washing washing machine using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumah_home2

Then rinse the washing machine by adding clean water until it is full. Then turn on the washing machine for a few minutes.

washing washing machine using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumah_home2

Next, drain the water from the washing machine. Then wipe the entire inside of the washing machine with a cloth until it is completely dry.

wash the washing machine using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumah_home2

As a result, the washing machine is clean and shiny again.

@rumah_home2 HOW TO CLEAN A TOP LOADING WASHING MACHINE WITHOUT DISASSEMBLY WM100 SPIN SERIES 6KG WASHING MACHINE ORDER LINK @Mito ' BIO NO 238 #mito #mesincuci < a title="mesincucitoploading" target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/tag/mesincucitoploading?refer=embed">#mesincucitoploading #mesincucisatutabung #mesincucimurah #how to clean in a washing machine #cleaninghacks < a title="cleaningtime" target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/tag/cleaningtime?refer=embed">#cleaningtime #life hacks original-sound - rhome2
