foto: YouTube/Mima Cooking

Lontong is always a special menu because it is often served during Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr or other big holidays.

  10 Juni 2024 07:00 - Lontong is a suitable alternative food when you are bored of eating rice. However, the process of processing lontong tends to be more complicated, because it must first be wrapped in leaves and boiled for quite a long time. Even so, lontong is always a special menu because it is often served during Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr or other big holidays.

Many people still don't know the tricks about making lontong. As a result, lontong becomes watery and stale quickly. So, if you are one of those who have experienced failure when making lontong, you can try tricks from netizens on the Mima Cooking YouTube account at home.

This netizen who is familiarly called Mima explained that this trick for cooking lontong can make lontong dense, beautiful green, and anti-bake for up to 2 days, you know.

Tutorial for cooking lontong that lasts deliciously for up to 2 days.

Initially, wash the rice several times until it is clean first, then drain it. Prepare banana leaves to wrap lontong. So, the trick is that the owner of the Mima Cooking YouTube account usually uses batu or klutuk banana leaves, so that the processed lontong results will be greener and prettier.

Roll up the banana leaf, pin one end with a stick, then fill the rice into it. Make sure you fill the rice only up to 1/2 the height of the banana leaf roll, so that there is still room for the rice to bloom and become dense during the cooking process later.

Tricks for cooking lontong so that it is durable, dense and beautiful green  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Mima Cooking

After all the banana leaf wrappers are filled with rice and pinned tightly, then arrange them in the pan. Place it on the stove, then cover the lontong with hot, just-boiled water until it is completely submerged.

"Use hot water, the aim is to make the lontong last longer and not get stale easily," explained the owner of the YouTube account Mima Cooking, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (10/6).

Cover the pan, then cook for approximately 1 hour. After 1 hour, open the lid of the pan and add more hot water until the rice cake is submerged again. Yup, the process of adding water is important to do every 1 hour, because lontong will absorb quite a lot of water.

Cover the pan again, then repeat the same process up to 2 times. The owner of the YouTube account, Mima Cooking, explained that if you add it up, the duration of boiling lontong usually takes 3 hours. It takes quite a long time, but the lontong results are dense and don't go stale quickly.

Tricks for cooking lontong so that it is durable, dense and beautiful green  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Mima Cooking

Once the lontong is cooked, immediately lift it and transfer it to a tray, colander, or hollow container. Place the lontong in a standing position so that the water drains easily and doesn't settle in the lontong wrapper. Wait until it cools, then the lontong is ready to be served.

"This texture is soft, chewy and dense," emphasized Mima.

Tricks for cooking lontong so that it is durable, dense and beautiful green  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Mima Cooking
