foto: Instagram/@mudahnyamemasak

This vegetable is suitable to be served as a side dish to accompany rice.

  2 Juli 2024 03:30 - Red bean vegetables are one of Bandung's typical dishes that shouldn't be missed. This vegetable is suitable to be served as a side dish to accompany rice. Don't forget to add tempeh or fried salted fish too, okay?

So that you don't fail when making it, check out the recipe for typical Bandung red bean vegetables that BrilioFood has reported on Instagram @mudahnyamemasak.

Red bean vegetable recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@easilycooking

- 250 gr wet red beans
- 250 gr beef swallowtail, boiled, drained
- 2 carrots cut
- 2 segments of crushed galangal
- 2 bay leaves
- 10 red onions
- 6 curly red chilies, cut obliquely
- 10 red bird's eye chilies
- 1 pack of shrimp paste
- Salt
- Brown sugar
- Enough acidic water
- 2 spring onions, chopped

How to make:
1. Boil tetelan, red beans, bay leaves and galangal until half cooked. Add carrots. Cook until tender.
2. Add the shallots, cayenne pepper, sliced red chilies, shrimp paste, tamarind water, brown sugar and salt to taste. Sprinkle with spring onions.
