YouTube/susi kitchen

The more you save gas, the family enjoys eating red bean stew.

  30 Maret 2024 03:30 - Red beans can be processed into various types of dishes. Starting from sweet to savory menus, such as red bean vegetables, red bean ice, red bean sandwiches, and others. Not only are they delicious, red beans are also known to be high in nutrients that are good for the body.

Reporting from, red beans contain a lot of fiber so they can help maintain a healthy digestive system. Apart from that, red beans also contain calcium and vitamin D which are good for bone health.

However, before eating, red beans must be processed first, because when raw, this food ingredient has a quite hard texture. Red beans must be boiled for about 45 minutes so that the texture is soft. The length of the boiling process is what makes some people reluctant to process red beans at home. The reason is, this can make gas use more wasteful.

To get around this, many people usually choose to add baking soda when boiling red beans . Baking soda is believed to help speed up the boiling process. On the other hand, the process of boiling red beans can be done more quickly without any additional ingredients. If you know the trick, anyway.

Tricks for boiling red beans so they become soft quickly without pressure.

Well, this trick for boiling red beans without adding ingredients was shared by YouTube user Susi Kitchen.

tricks for boiling red beans so they become soft quickly without pressure  various sources

photo: YouTube/susi kitchen

He admitted that he only boiled red beans for 12 minutes. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Susi Kitchen on Friday (29/3), prepare 500 grams of red beans that have been washed clean and 1.5 liters of water.

tricks for boiling red beans so they become soft quickly without pressure  various sources

photo: YouTube/susi kitchen

First, pour water into a pan then boil until it boils. After boiling, add the washed red beans. Then cover the pan and boil the red beans for 5 minutes.

"After 5 minutes, we will turn off the fire. Then we will leave it for 30 minutes without opening it," said the YouTube user.

tricks for boiling red beans so they become soft quickly without pressure  various sources

photo: YouTube/susi kitchen

After leaving it for 30 minutes, the YouTube user checked the tenderness of the red beans. As a result, the beans were starting to become soft, but he wanted to boil them again until the texture was really soft.

"Then we cover it again and turn on the fire. We boil it again for 7 minutes," he said further.

tricks for boiling red beans so they become soft quickly without pressure  various sources

photo: YouTube/susi kitchen

After boiling for 7 minutes, turn off the stove and check the red beans again. After boiling for a total of 12 minutes, the texture of the red beans was really soft. Furthermore, red beans can be processed into various appetizing dishes.

"This really saves gas, the red beans are also very soft," he concluded.

How to store raw red beans so they don't rot easily.

To store raw red beans so they don't rot easily, you can follow these simple steps.

1. Choose good nuts.

Choose kidney beans that are dry, whole, and have no signs of moisture or damage.

2. Store in a cool and dry place.

Place the kidney beans in an airtight container in a cool, dry place protected from direct light. Avoid storing in damp places or exposed to direct sunlight.

3. Avoid humidity.

Make sure the kidney beans are not exposed to moisture, as moisture can cause the growth of mold or bacteria that accelerate spoilage.

4. Use appropriate containers.

Store red beans in an airtight container or plastic bag specifically designed for storing food.

5 Check periodically.

Periodically check stored kidney beans to ensure there are no signs of moisture, damage, or mold growth.

6. Avoid contamination.

Make sure the storage container and tools used to handle red beans are clean and dry to avoid contamination.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.