YouTube/Mantap bosku

Storing in the freezer keeps the fish fresh and the taste also changes a lot.

  2 April 2024 19:00 - Fish has meat with a soft texture and tastes delicious when it is processed. You can get fresh fish at markets and supermarkets. If you don't process it straight away, you can store the fish in the freezer first. Storing in the freezer keeps the fish fresh and the taste also changes a lot.

When you want to cook, then take the fish out of the freezer. Well, people generally move frozen fish to a chiller to thaw. However, thawing frozen fish is not as easy and fast as you imagine.

So, when you want to thaw frozen fish faster , try watching and copying the method shown by YouTube user Dapoer hasna94. In one of his uploads, he admitted that it only took 5 minutes to thaw frozen fish .

A quick way to thaw frozen fish from the freezer using only 2 kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Dapoer hasna94 on Tuesday (2/4), this netizen relies on 2 kitchen ingredients, namely salt and vinegar. Apart from that, he also uses warm water to help thaw frozen fish.

How to quickly thaw frozen fish in 5 minutes using only 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/Dapoer hasna94

First of all, take out the frozen fish from the freezer. After that, prepare a bowl. Then put the frozen fish into the bowl. If so, pour enough warm water. Make sure the fish is completely submerged.

How to quickly thaw frozen fish in 5 minutes using only 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/Dapoer hasna94

Next, add 1 tsp salt and 1 tbsp vinegar. Stir gently so that the two ingredients are evenly mixed. It is believed that a mixture of salt and vinegar can make frozen meat thaw more quickly.

"Let it sit for at least 5 minutes," he explained.

How to quickly thaw frozen fish in 5 minutes using only 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/Dapoer hasna94

After leaving it for 5 minutes, the fish flesh, which was previously stuck together because it was frozen, has now separated. The texture of the meat is also no longer tough.

"After 5 minutes, the fish is no longer frozen and ready to be processed," he added.

Fish meat is ready to be processed into various delicious and appetizing dishes. How about it, this trick is really fast and easy, right?

Are you interested in trying it?
