
Only use fruit that has a natural sweet taste. So the sugar consumed will be healthier.

  13 Maret 2024 21:00 - Granulated sugar is usually used to increase the sweet taste of food or drinks. Apart from being easy to get, the sweet taste is also quite strong.

However, excessive use of granulated sugar can also increase the risk of disease, you know. Consuming excess sugar can increase obesity and even diabetes. Therefore, many people limit it.

Actually, you can make your own natural sugar, you know. This sugar can be made at home with very simple ingredients and processes . You don't even need to bother cooking this sugar, you know.

Furthermore, a woman named Anne once revealed the trick to making natural sugar. Through one of the uploaded videos, Anne admitted that she only uses fruit that has a natural sweet taste. So the sugar consumed will be healthier.

"This tip is for those of you who want to drink something sweet but don't want to use artificial sugar because it will be healthy," said Anne via her Instagram account @annepermata, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (14/3).

The basic ingredient that Anne uses to make natural sugar is just dates. More precisely, he uses ripe dates which already taste sweet (without additional sweeteners). Well, these dates can be made into sugar in a practical way, you know.

Tricks for making healthy natural sugar from just 1 type of fruit.

First of all, prepare some ripe dates. After that, remove the seeds then put them in a container and soak them in hot water. You don't need too much, just enough until all the dates are completely submerged.

This woman shares tricks for making natural sugar  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

Next, let the dates soak for a full day. Later, the hot water will make the dates expand and have a very soft texture. Apart from that, the water will also run out because it is completely absorbed into the dates.

This woman shares tricks for making natural sugar  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

After letting it rest, transfer the dates to a blender or food processor. Without needing to add any more water, blend the dates until smooth and thick. After that, the smooth dates can be stored in an airtight container or molded into ice cube trays and then placed in the freezer. So, printed date sugar can be easily taken and used as needed.

This woman shares tricks for making natural sugar  Instagram

ftoo: Instagram/@annepermata

Since it was uploaded on February 18, this video about tricks for making natural sugar has been watched more than 93 thousand times. It's not surprising that many Instagram netizens are interested and say they want to try it themselves at home. This was also conveyed directly through the video's comments column.

"You need naturally ripe dates...not those with sugar added to make them sweet. You have to be careful in choosing the dates according to your goal. to make natural sugar," said Instagram @lolabundarayhan.

"Wow, I really want to try it," said Instagram @retnohartianti.

"Wow, I've never tried date sugar, sis... how does it taste, sis?" asked the Instagram account @husnulsuprastiawan, to which the video uploader replied, "Just wear it lightly because it's really cute, sis."

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Anne Permata (@annepermata)

How to store dates so they stay fresh and sweet.

Dates are synonymous with their sweet taste and soft texture. So, to keep dates fresh, sweet and long-lasting, there are several things you can do:

1. Store in a cool and dry place.

Dates should be stored in a cool and dry place, such as in a cupboard or in the kitchen where it is not too humid.

2. Store in a tight container.

Use an airtight container or plastic bag that can be tied tightly to store dates. This will help prevent moisture from entering and keep the dates fresh longer.

3. Avoid storage in places that are too hot.

Too high a temperature can make dates go stale quickly. Avoid storing dates in places exposed to direct sunlight or near heat sources.

4. Use a clean container.

Make sure the container or plastic bag you use to store dates is clean so that it is not contaminated by bacteria or fungus.

5. Keep away from fruits that emit ethylene gas.

Some fruits such as apples, bananas and avocados emit ethylene gas which can speed up the ripening and rotting of dates. Avoid storing dates together with these fruits.

6. Freeze dates.

If you won't be consuming them right away, consider freezing them. Dates can be frozen to extend their shelf life. Make sure to remove any air from the bags before freezing them.

7. Store in a container filled with sugar.

Storing dates in a container containing a little sugar can help keep the dates moist and delicious.

8. Use silica gel.

Placing a small amount of silica gel in the date storage container can help absorb moisture that can cause the dates to go stale.

9. Check regularly.

Regularly check stored dates to ensure that none are damaged or rotten. Discard dates that are stale or moldy so they don't spoil other dates.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.