foto: Instagram/@rumahmangga1

The process of cleaning squid before cooking is an important point.

  27 Agustus 2024 18:00 - Among the many squid dishes, one of the most popular dishes is black squid . Black squid processed using the ink part is not only interesting because of its unique taste, but also because of its exotic appearance and delicious aroma. Usually black squid is eaten as a side dish with warm white rice and chili sauce.

The uniqueness of black squid lies in the use of squid ink in the cooking process. This ink not only gives the dish a black color, but also adds a distinctive savory taste. In addition to taste, squid ink also has good nutritional content for the body, such as antioxidants. No wonder, black squid is often a favorite choice in many restaurants and eateries.

Judging from the manufacturing process, black squid is usually cooked with sauteed spices. Then the squid that has been washed can be directly sauteed with the spices. At first glance, the process does seem practical. However, it turns out that many people get black squid results that are far from expectations because the color is pale, not pitch black. In fact, the pitch black color will make this squid dish even more appetizing.

After further investigation, it turns out that there is a special trick to making black squid so that the result is pitch black and not pale. This trick was once shared by Instagram user @rumahmangga1. At first, he also admitted to failing when cooking black squid because the result of his cooking was pale. However, there are several things that were later learned to avoid this when cooking black squid.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumahmangga1 on Tuesday (8/27), the main key when cooking black squid is in the cleaning process . So, squid cannot be simply cleaned and mixed with other ingredients to remove the fishy smell. The reason is, some people often add salt when washing squid so that it doesn't smell fishy. In fact, this salt can make the ink sac in squid hard and not break optimally when cooked.

black squid cooking tricks  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumahmangga1

Basically, salt has osmotic properties that draw water out of squid tissue. Soaking squid in a salt solution will help draw some of the water out of the ink sac and surrounding tissue. This makes the ink sac drier and shrinks a little, thus hardening its structure.

black squid cooking tricks  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumahmangga1

In addition, the squid used must be fresh. The sign is, the squid's skin layer is still white. If the color is already purplish red, then the squid is old and tends to smell fishy when cooked.

On the other hand, the purplish red skin of the squid can fade when cooked, making the dish pale. So, if you want to process it into black squid, you must peel and clean it first. That way, the results of the black squid dish will be thicker and not pale.

black squid cooking tricks  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumahmangga1

Having been watched more than 8,000 times, this video about squid cooking tricks has immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Many other Instagram users then gave their responses directly in the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that they often experience the same problem when cooking black squid but the results are pale.

" Nice sharing sis..Huhu, I just realized this is the cause ," replied Instagram @irhouse.21.

" I see. I really like squid items, but it also fails when I make soupy items like that ," wrote the Instagram account @intannajiahalim.

" As my mother says, I always cook squid with concentrated items: don't put the squid in the refrigerator / freeze it, just buy it and cook it straight away and cook the squid first, then add the seasoning last, " commented the Instagram account @arie.shaaaa.

" To prevent it from smelling fishy, I use lime. I clean the inside and remove the head. When I clean it, I leave the ink behind, so when I cook it, the ink will break on its own, " said Instagram @home_syafasya.
