YouTube/Dapur Emak Benjamin di Jerman

Reporting from, tomatoes contain enzymes that will react when they encounter low or cold temperatures.

  20 Mei 2024 19:00 - Tomatoes can be consumed directly in fresh form or used as a mixture in dishes. If you want to cook it, tomatoes are usually added to stir-fried vegetables or blended to make chili sauce.

Eating tomatoes is also known to be very beneficial for the body, you know. Reporting from, tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals which can overcome inflammation, increase the body's immunity, reduce bad cholesterol, and so on. In fact, it's not uncommon for people to consume tomatoes to increase their beauty from within, you know.

For those of you who like to keep stock of tomatoes at home, you should first know the tricks for storing them. The reason is, if you don't know the tricks for storing tomatoes, this fruit can rot quickly, you know. Well, many people choose to store tomatoes in the refrigerator, even though this trick risks causing the tomatoes to spoil quickly, you know.

Reporting from, tomatoes contain enzymes that will react when they encounter low or cold temperatures. If left in a cold place such as a refrigerator, the cell membranes in tomatoes will quickly be damaged, so that the fruit will be watery and rotten.

This was also explained by a netizen via an upload on his personal YouTube account, Emak Benjamin's Kitchen in Germany. This woman said, instead of putting them in the refrigerator, she has another trick for storing tomatoes so they can last up to 1 month.

"It's best not to store it in the refrigerator, because it's a tropical plant, it's better if it's stored at room or normal temperature. If you store it in the refrigerator, it cooks quickly and tastes bland," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from Emak Benjamin's Kitchen YouTube in Germany on Monday (20/5).

Tricks for storing tomatoes so they stay fresh and don't rot for up to 1 month.

Before storing, it is best not to remove the stems or leaves on the top of the tomato. This netizen, who is familiarly known as Emak Benjamin, said that if you remove the stems or leaves from tomatoes, it will actually make the tomatoes rot faster, you know.

After that, store the tomatoes in a basket or paper bag. So, the trick is to position the tomato shoot facing downwards, namely the part of the shoot with the stem or leaves at the bottom.

Tricks for storing tomatoes so they stay fresh for up to 1 month  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Benjamin's Mother's Kitchen in Germany

Next, place the bag containing the tomatoes in a clean and dry place. The owner of the Emak Benjamin Kitchen YouTube account in Germany also explained that make sure the tomatoes are placed in a cool area without exposure to direct sunlight, so they can stay fresh for up to 1 month.

Tricks for storing tomatoes so they stay fresh for up to 1 month  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Benjamin's Mother's Kitchen in Germany

So, from now on you don't need to be confused about how to store tomatoes, right? Taking a peek at Emak Benjamin's Kitchen YouTube upload in Germany which has been watched 11 thousand times, quite a few netizens have left enthusiastic comments about this trick for storing tomatoes, you know.

"Sir, is it possible to store it in a closed container and then store it at room temperature?" asked YouTube @sonianurulh6620 and received a response from the video owner, "If you put it at room temperature, don't put it in a container, it will rot, just leave it in the open, or put it in an open basket, don't put it near apples, that's why apples make fruit and vegetables ripen quickly."

Benefits of consuming tomatoes for skin.

Regularly consuming tomatoes can provide various benefits for skin health thanks to their rich nutritional content. Here are some of the main benefits of tomatoes for the skin.

1. Fight aging.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the skin from free radical damage. Lycopene also helps fight signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Improve skin health.

The high vitamin C in tomatoes helps the production of collagen, which maintains skin elasticity and suppleness. This is important for maintaining healthy, glowing skin.

3. Protection from UV rays.

Tomatoes have photoprotective properties, which means they can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays. The lycopene in tomatoes is known to reduce skin sensitivity to UV rays, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin damage.

4. Reduces acne.

The acid content in tomatoes can help balance the skin's pH and reduce excess oil production. This can prevent acne and keep pores clean.

5. Repair skin damage.

Tomatoes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and irritation of the skin. Vitamin C and lycopene also play a role in repairing damaged skin cells, so that the skin looks healthier and fresher.

6. Brightens the skin.

Regular consumption of tomatoes can help brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation. This is because it contains vitamin C and antioxidants which help repair and regenerate skin cells.

To get these benefits, tomatoes can be consumed in various forms, such as juice, salad, or even used as a natural facial mask. Integrating tomatoes into your daily diet is a simple but effective way to improve the health and appearance of your skin.
