Yogyakarta never runs out of unique culinary tourism destinations.

  6 Agustus 2019 16:56

Yogyakarta never runs out of unique culinary tourism destinations. One of them is Sate Ratu which is located at Jogja Paradise Foodcourt, Jalan Magelang Km 6.
Sate Ratu is a typical Jogja culinary dish that has been around for three years. Not only local residents, foreign tourists also recognize this culinary delight. Even Sate Ratu has been known in 74 countries.

The establishment of Sate Ratu began with the boredom of the owner, Budi, with his work routine. From there he started to innovate. Initially Sate Ratu carried the concept of angkringan. As time went by, the concept changed but the name queen was still used.

Sate Ratu has its own characteristics so many people fall in love with the taste it provides. They use special spices which make it taste different from other satay.
Sate Ratu is famous for its mainstay menu including lilit wet, red satay and claw tugel.

Serving delicious special dishes has led Sate Ratu to win many awards. One of them is an award from Trip Advisor.

To enjoy exploring the taste of Sate Ratu, they are open every Saturday to Saturday at 11.00 - 21.00 WIB.
