foto: Instagram/@amihinevlog

The trick of frying an omelet in this way also makes the texture soft.

  2 Agustus 2024 08:00

Eggs are a food ingredient that is often used in various types of dishes. This food ingredient can even be prepared in various ways, such as frying, boiling, steaming, or used as a basic ingredient in cake dough and other dishes. Their almost constant presence in the kitchen makes eggs a favorite choice for many people to prepare fast, easy and nutritious meals.

Apart from their practicality, eggs are also known for their rich nutritional content. Eggs contain high quality protein, vitamins D, B6, B12, as well as important minerals such as zinc and iron. Their balanced nutritional content makes eggs a good source of energy and important for various body functions, including brain development, muscle formation and maintaining healthy skin.

It's not surprising that eggs are often recommended as part of a healthy and balanced diet. One of the most practical egg preparations is an omelet. Usually omelettes are just mixed with various spices such as salt to taste. However, many people often add other ingredients, such as onions, ground spices, and flour and water . The aim of adding this ingredient is to make the omelet volume larger, thicker and of course more filling.

Even though it is effective in increasing the volume of an omelet, some people admit that these additional ingredients can interfere with the taste of the eggs. As a result, quite a few are racking their brains to look for other ways to produce thick and wide omelettes. Well, Instagram user @amihinevlog is one of them.

Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he had a special trick when frying an omelet so that it came out thicker and wider. This is effective even if the omelet mixture does not contain flour.


So, do this process slowly and little by little until there are no lumps of dough at the top of the omelet. Then wait until all parts of the egg are completely solid. Only then flip the eggs using a spatula.

