
Finally, let the floor dry by itself.

  28 Juli 2024 02:30

Brilio.net - Eggs accidentally falling on the floor are really annoying, because they add to the homework of cleaning the house. Not to mention, the stains left by broken eggs sometimes leave a persistent fishy smell even though they have been cleaned.

As a result, in order for the fishy smell of broken egg stains to disappear, many people have to wash and brush them with soapy water, pour hot water, and many other efforts. Apart from the smell, floors that are stained with broken eggs are also sometimes difficult to restore so they become rough again, you know.

Tricks for cleaning broken egg stains  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@abiseeva28

This was also experienced by netizens using the TikTok account @abiseeva28. However, this woman admitted that she already knew the trick for cleaning egg marks so that the floor would become rough again and no longer fishy. After all, this trick only requires one kitchen ingredient.

"It's easy to clean, and it doesn't smell fishy," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @abiseeva28 on Sunday (28/7).

Tricks for cleaning broken egg stains  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@abiseeva28

So, the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick for cleaning broken egg stains is wheat flour. Beforehand, don't forget to set aside the remaining egg shell fragments first, then sprinkle the remaining egg stains with a large amount of flour.

Tricks for cleaning broken egg stains  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@abiseeva28

After adding wheat flour, rub the egg stains with your hands so that the flour can absorb them. If so, the wheat flour that has successfully absorbed the egg can be transferred directly to plastic or a trash can.

Tricks for cleaning broken egg stains  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@abiseeva28

If all the egg and flour stains are gone, just wipe the floor using a clean cloth dampened with a little water. Wipe the cloth slowly until the floor becomes rough again. Finally, let the floor dry by itself.
