
No more wasting oil when frying crackers~

  31 Juli 2024 08:00

Who can't eat without crackers ? Yup, for some people, crackers are a complement to food that adds deliciousness. The texture is crispy and the taste is delicious, making many people addicted to it.

One of the keys to the deliciousness of crackers lies in their crunchy texture. However, to get a crunchy texture like that, crackers must be fried in lots of hot oil. With a special frying technique, the crackers can expand and become crispier.

Unfortunately, many people are reluctant to make and fry their own crackers because the process is complicated. Apart from that, frying crackers also wastes oil. It's not surprising that some people choose to buy crackers that are ready to eat.

In fact, if you use the right frying technique, the oil used will be more economical, you know. A TikTok user @ummu_balqis_haura once shared a trick for frying crackers to save more oil. Apart from that, the technique used makes the crackers crispier, you know.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @ummu_balqis_haura on Wednesday (31/7), the frying technique used is to fry the crackers from the side. So, he didn't immediately dip the crackers into the hot oil that had been prepared.


In the video, TikTok user @ummu_balqis_haura shows the results of fried crackers. When it was broken, there was a loud crunching sound. This indicates that the crackers are really perfectly crispy even though they are not fried by being completely immersed in oil.

