
Unfortunately, because the lid on the jar doesn't fit tightly, the stored crackers sometimes end up getting soggy.

  11 April 2024 23:00 - For some people, eating a heavy meal without crackers seems less enjoyable. This is because crackers are considered a complement. The crunchy texture makes anyone who eats it addicted. In fact, they are so delicious that crackers are often consumed as a snack.

There are many types of crackers to choose from. There are onion crackers, shrimp crackers, cassava crackers, skin crackers, and many more. All types of crackers have their own unique taste. Even so, the texture remains equally crunchy.

No need to bother making your own crackers, because on the market you can buy them at a relatively cheap price. Just fry raw crackers using hot cooking oil until cooked and bloom.

Fried crackers can be consumed immediately or stored in a jar to be used as stock. Unfortunately, because the lid on the jar doesn't fit tightly, the stored crackers sometimes end up getting soggy. If it's like this, the enjoyment of crackers will be reduced, right?

Knowing this, a number of people deliberately fry crackers that have already gone soft. Even though this method is considered ineffective. Instead of being crispy again, the crackers will actually absorb a lot of oil.

As a solution, you can imitate what Instagram user @herusupatmo did. In his video upload, this netizen has his own way of turning soft white crackers so they are crispy again. At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of his white crackers which already look tough.

These crackers are already soggy and tough. "But don't rush to throw it away," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @herusupatmo on Thursday (11/4).

crackers are soggy  2024

photo: Instagram/@erusupatmo

The first step, put the crackers in a plastic or airtight container. Cover the plastic tightly so that no air can enter it.

crackers are soggy  2024

photo: Instagram/@erusupatmo

If so, put the plastic containing the crackers in the refrigerator in the freezer section. For maximum results, let the crackers sit for 1 hour. It is believed that the cold temperature in the freezer is effective in restoring the texture of the crackers so they are crispy again.

crackers are soggy  2024

photo: Instagram/@erusupatmo

After leaving it for 1 hour, remove the plastic. Open it and take out the crackers. As seen in the video upload, the texture of the crackers is as crispy as it was when they were first purchased.

crackers are soggy  2024

photo: Instagram/@erusupatmo

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Tricks for frying crackers so they bloom and expand perfectly.

Here are some tricks for frying crackers so they bloom and expand perfectly.

1. Choose the right oil.

Use the right oil for frying crackers, such as vegetable oil or coconut oil. Make sure the oil is heated well before adding the crackers.

2. Heat the oil to the right temperature.

Proper oil temperature is very important. Make sure the oil is hot enough before placing the crackers in it. The optimal temperature is usually between 180C to 200C.

3. Don't add too many crackers at once.

Make sure not to put too many crackers in the oil at once, as this can lower the temperature of the oil significantly and prevent the crackers from blooming properly. It's better to fry in small quantities but repeatedly.

4. Keep the oil temperature consistent.

When frying crackers, make sure to keep the oil temperature consistent. If the temperature drops too much, let the oil reheat before adding the next cracker.

5. Selection of good crackers.

Choose crackers that are good quality and fresh. Crackers that have been too old or wet may not bloom well.

By following the tips above, you will have a better chance of frying the crackers so they bloom and expand perfectly. Remember to be careful when frying in hot oil.
