Cooking is not enough to just rely on the measurements from the recipe.

  6 Juli 2024 11:30

The cooking process doesn't always run smoothly. Sometimes mistakes happen when cooking . For example, when it is cooked, it burns, the food tastes bland, even salty.

Regarding the taste of the dish, it is actually relative to each individual's taste. Moreover, cooking is not enough to just rely on the measurements from the recipe. You also need to rely on your instincts when seasoning your food.

But when food feels too salty, some people choose to just throw it away. In fact, cooking can be improved in practical ways. No need to cook from scratch, just add sliced potatoes to the dish. That way, the salt content in the dish will be absorbed into the potatoes.

But there's no need to worry if potato stocks are running out. Because there are other food ingredients that can be added to salty dishes . The method was demonstrated by TikTok user @melizah615.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @melizah615 on Saturday (6/7), one food ingredient used is coconut milk. Don't make it thick, just rely on liquid coconut milk.


Stir until the coconut milk is completely dissolved in the chili sauce. The addition of coconut milk is thought to neutralize the salty taste of the chili sauce.

