
Now, he already owns three bakery and cake restaurants.

  19 Juni 2024 16:00 - Rano Karno's family has recently been widely highlighted and discussed on social media. This started with her niece, Nabila Yoestino, who uploaded a video about her life story after her father, Tino Karno, left her in 2001. After her father left her, Nabila Yoestino had to live alone after her mother and two older brothers, Neto Yustino and Muhammad Ilham died.

Through her upload on her personal TikTok account, Nabila said that her father returned to God's bosom when Nabila Yoestino was still 8 years old. The daughter of old film actor Roman Picisan was forced to let her entire family go. Now, he lives alone and fulfills his daily needs by working as a chef or more precisely a pastry chef.

Even though she chose not to follow in Tino Karno's career footsteps in the entertainment world, Nabila was able to successfully pursue her work as a chef . Even now, he already owns three bread and cake restaurants. Through the Instagram account @nabilaystno, this mother of one often shares the cakes she makes with her own hands. A number of his cakes and breads look so delicious and beautiful because they are plated beautifully.

Are you curious about what Nabila Yoestino's daughter Tino Karno's cake creations look like? Come on, take a look at the review that BrilioFood has summarized from Instagram @nabilaystno, Wednesday (19/6).

1. These waffles made by Nabila have a savory taste because they are made from a mixture of eggs. So, to make it even more delicious, he served it with ice cream and sliced tomatoes.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

2. Milk coffee lovers will definitely like coffee panna cotta. Served with palm sugar, this dessert will make anyone interested.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

3. This hot chocolate made by Nabila looks so melty with melted chocolate vla on the inside. This dish looks even more appetizing with ice cream and strawberry toppings.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

4. Another cake variation made by Nabila is strawberry tiramisu which is made with layers of soft buttercream and sliced strawberries.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

5. If nastar is usually shaped like a small circle, Nabila's dry cakes are actually shaped into large circles like a pie. Apart from pineapple, he also uses walnuts to enrich the taste.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

6. This cake is made from cheese and matcha which looks even more delicious with the brown sugar boba topping.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

7. There is also a milles crepe matcha which really pampers the taste buds because it is made with soft cream and an abundant topping of matcha powder.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

8. Even though it looks simple, this sandwich made by Nabila looks delicious with the addition of jam and peanuts as toppings.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

9. This time, Nabila made dorayaki with strawberry jam topping. He served this dorayaki with soft vanilla pudding.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

10. This Nabila style strawberry cake is served with soft ice cream cereal. There are also candy spices or popping candy sprinkles which make the dish taste sweeter.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno

11. Tino Karno's daughter also often makes tart cakes. One of these tart cakes is designed with chocolate glaze which makes it look luxurious and shiny like a mirror.

Nabila Yoestino's cake creations  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nabilaystno
