foto: YouTube/Eni asgar

Just need simple spices~

  16 Agustus 2024 20:01

Katuk leaves are one of the green vegetables that are often used as cooking ingredients in various regions in Indonesia. With a distinctive taste and soft texture, katuk leaves are usually cooked into clear vegetables, soup, or even stir-fries. In addition to its delicious taste, katuk leaves are also rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and iron, making them a healthy choice to complement everyday dishes.

With its myriad of nutritional content, katuk leaves are also considered to be able to help overcome coughs and colds. Reported from, this plant has potential in traditional medicine, including as a cough and cold medicine. Katuk leaves are known to have antibacterial, antitussive, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve cough and cold symptoms.

The content of active compounds such as saponins, flavonoids, and tannins in katuk leaves plays a role in inhibiting the growth of bacteria that often cause respiratory infections. This makes katuk leaves often chosen as a food ingredient for various dishes, as is done by YouTube user Eni asgar. Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to using simple spices to cook katuk leaves to make them fresher and more fragrant.

photo: YouTube/Eni asgar

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Eni asgar on Friday (16/8), the kitchen ingredients used are 3 cloves of shallots, 2 cloves of garlic, and 2 candlenuts. A number of these ingredients can be directly ground and sauteed until fragrant. This will make the aroma of each ingredient more concentrated and delicious.

photo: YouTube/Eni asgar

Next, prepare the katuk leaves to be processed and pick the leaves. If so, wash them clean and set them aside first. Then cut two pieces of corn for additional ingredients.

photo: YouTube/Eni asgar

Once done, boil the water in a pan until it boils, then add the corn that has been cut into pieces. Once cooked, then add the washed katuk leaves. Press and add seasonings, such as 1 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp mushroom stock.

photo: YouTube/Eni asgar

After that, add the finely ground spices that have been sauteed until cooked. Stir, then add fried garlic. This will make the aroma of clear katuk leaf vegetable soup more delicious and fragrant. Then stir and turn off the stove. With this cooking method, clear katuk leaf vegetable soup is ready to be served.

