Now, Euis Darliah is no longer active in the Indonesian entertainment industry. SEE MORE...
Not embarrassed to cook with the Cendana family's ART, take a peek at 9 portraits of Mayangsari and Bambang Trihatmodjo's kitchen
Even though she is an artist's wife, Karina Ranau is not ashamed to sell takjil, her daily turnover is tens of millions of rupiah
Still aesthetic even though it was built in 2007, these 10 portraits of Diah Permatasari's kitchen have an all-white feel.
6 Portraits of Yunita Siregar's teenage years that are eye-catching, netizens say her face looks like Selena Gomez
Different from other artists, here are 7 surprise moments from Shenina Cinnamon's bridal shower that made fans' attention focused.
Shenina Cinnamon's statement to her father during the proposal made her cry, she openly said what was in her heart
The figure of Wicky V. Olindo, husband of Yunita Siregar who plays Kaluna, turns out to be a top film producer in Indonesia
Said to resemble Angga Yunanda, this is the figure of Dyoza Cinnamon, Shenina's older brother who turns out to be a doctor
Formerly an honorary teacher, now has a luxurious house, take a peek at 9 portraits of Kiky Saputri's living room which is full of paintings
Angga Yunanda has a large house in the village, here are 9 photos of it, the yard is usually used by neighbors to study
Officially Angga Yunanda's wife, here are 7 details of Shenina Cinnamon's natural and flawless wedding makeup
30 Examples of the most frequently used everyday English sentences, complete with their meanings
His house has a natural feel like a forest in the middle of the city, these 9 portraits of Dodit Mulyanto's room actually look like a hotel
Makes you gasp, the price of Syahrini's daughter's Princess R comb reaches IDR 8 million, this is what makes it special
Called the Queen of Hermes, take a peek at the advantages of Syahrini's Rp. 5.3 billion bag
Keeping her love life private, Yunita Siregar, who plays Kaluna in Home Sweet Loan, suddenly announces her engagement
9 Portraits of Syahrini and Reino Barrack's luxury apartment in Japan, the plants make you lose focus
Kiky Saputri tells a unique story of cravings, craving to snack on street food while in early pregnancy
Syahrini and Reino Barack vacation in Japan bringing a luxury stroller, estimated to be worth as much as a motorbike
The residence is estimated at IDR 50 billion, take a peek at the luxurious kitchen of Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistyawati
Dian Sastro's kitchen design is aesthetically Disney-style, the sink full of broken crockery makes you lose focus, here are 11 photos
Mother and child are like brother and sister, 6 portraits of Diah Permatasari and the youngest Marciano Nicholas
Syahrini shares touching story about being a mother, happy to stay up late taking care of 'little angel'
Often using a stroller when looking after her child, here are 9 of Syahrini's skills in carrying baby R that are rarely highlighted
Often using a stroller when looking after her child, here are 9 of Syahrini's skills in carrying Baby R that are rarely highlighted
Often wearing Hermes while taking care of baby R, the prices of these 6 Syahrini fashion items will make you gasp
Honorary teacher successfully becomes an artist and has a luxurious house, 9 portraits of Kiky Saputri's living room filled with paintings
Praised as cute as a kid, here are 9 portraits of Kiky Saputri showing off her baby bump at 5 months pregnant
Looking natural in the film Home Sweet Loan, here are 11 portraits of Yunita Siregar 'Kaluna' wearing bold makeup
11 Portraits of Yunita Siregar, the actress who played Kaluna in the film Home Sweet Loan while wearing a hijab, makes you look different
Spanning 6,000 square meters, here are 11 portraits of Dodit Mulyanto's house in the forest after renovation
After a miscarriage, now pregnant again, here are 9 moments when Kiky Saputri and her husband held a 4-month thanksgiving
Syahrini's happy story after becoming a mother, learning new things every day
9 Moments Syahrini celebrated two months of baby princess R, smiling happily with her mother and in-la
5 Stories of Kiky Saputri's struggle to get pregnant with her first child, she had a miscarriage due to an ovarian cyst
50 Examples of past continuous tense sentences, can be a reference for learning
9 Portraits of Dian Sastro at the 2024 Seoul International Drama Awards, her beauty is praised like Song Hye-kyo
5 Examples of short English procedural texts, understand the meaning and structure
The luxury of the 6 equipment of the first daughter of Syahrini and Reino Barack, this is the estimated price
5 Examples of report texts in English on various themes, complete with translations
It was widely reported that her mother-in-law passed to become a KPK supervisory board member, Kiky Saputri gave clarification
The moment Syahrini puts Princess R to sleep in a baby swing, the baby's face makes people curious
7 Moments of Syahrini taking care of Princess R in Singapore, the child's appearance makes you curious
9 Portraits of Sigit Wardana Base Jam, who looks young at almost 50 years old, the secret is not eating rice for 12 years
Test as needed, know the difference between TOEFL ITP and IBT
Having been married and divorced many times, Kalina Ocktaranny cries and apologizes because she is ashamed of Azka Corbuzier
Having a new boyfriend after four divorces is in the spotlight, Kalina Oktarani gives a firm response
As a place to live in old age, these 11 portraits of Diah Permatasari's house in Bali are luxurious and have an infinity pool.