foto: Pixabay/Antonio Cansino

The result makes the washing machine automatically shiny.

  16 Agustus 2024 18:00 - Many people do not know that washing machines can also accumulate stains. Usually, there are stains of scale or moss that settle in the inner area of the washing machine. Signs that the washing machine is very dirty can be seen from the clothes that are actually dirty after being washed with the tool.

In the market, there are many special cleaning powders for washing machines. However, the price is not necessarily friendly to the wallet. Well, for the better-off, there is a trick to remove stains from the washing machine using simple ingredients that are easy to find in the kitchen as shared by TikTok user

" This hack will save you a lot of money and time ," she wrote in the caption of the TikTok video, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (15/8).

Tricks to remove limescale and moss stains from washing machines  Various sources

photo: TikTok/

The first kitchen ingredient that must be prepared is lemon. Cut the lemon into two parts, then add toothpaste on top. Then put the lemon in the washing machine.

Tricks to remove limescale and moss stains from washing machines  Various sources

photo: TikTok/

The account owner who is familiarly called Lena then applied toothpaste to the door area of her washing machine. Yup, if your washing machine also has a transparent front door, you can also do the same thing. The reason is, the front door of the washing machine sometimes looks blurry because it is filled with crust stains.

Tricks to remove limescale and moss stains from washing machines  Various sources

photo: TikTok/

Next, you can add two kitchen ingredients in the rubber area of the washing machine door, namely baking soda and vinegar. The dirty rubber area of the washing machine door is usually covered in blackish moss stains , so baking soda and vinegar are effective ingredients to remove the stains.

Tricks to remove limescale and moss stains from washing machines  Various sources

photo: TikTok/

Finally, just turn on the washing machine like the usual washing process. All ingredients ranging from lemon, toothpaste, baking soda, to vinegar will work effectively to remove stains on the washing machine.

Tricks to remove limescale and moss stains from washing machines  Various sources

photo: TikTok/

Lena then showed the results of her washing machine that had been cleaned with simple ingredients. The results looked much shinier than before, you know.
