YouTube/Bukpol Egis

Some ingredients that are considered unhealthy can be replaced with other alternatives.

  11 Februari 2024 12:29 - In order to meet daily nutritional needs, you must pay attention to choosing the right food. Nutrient intake such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber and vitamins can be obtained from a number of food ingredients. For example, for carbohydrates, you can eat rice or potatoes. Meanwhile, protein can be obtained from meat or nuts.

However, fiber and vitamins are usually obtained from vegetables. There are lots of vegetable menus that can help meet nutritional needs, one of which is clear vegetables .

Usually clear vegetables are made from a number of vegetables boiled in spiced sauce. Even though they seem healthy, some clear vegetable recipes still tend to be high in calories, you know. This is caused by the addition of a number of ingredients.

One of the ingredients used in making clear vegetables is oil. So usually the vegetables are sauted in oil, then water is added and the vegetables are added.

If you want a healthier diet, these clear vegetables made by a policewoman named Egis could be an inspiration, you know.

Through Bukpol Egis' YouTube account, he admitted that he only used simple ingredients and spices. However, the taste looks very delicious and of course healthier because it doesn't use oil.

"If it's like this (the menu) is healthy, guys, don't use oil," said Egis via the Bukpol Egis YouTube account, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (11/2).

If you are curious about how to make it, just prepare the spices in the form of garlic and shallots. Then slice thinly. After that, put the onion slices in a pan filled with water. Let the water boil and the onions will become more fragrant (not unpleasant).

This policewoman's way of cooking clear vegetables amazes me  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bukpol Egis

While waiting for the water to boil, peel and chop the vegetables. In the video, policewoman Egis uses cucumber and sprouts. Peel the cucumber and cut into pieces according to taste. After that, wash it thoroughly along with the sprouts you want to use.

This policewoman's way of cooking clear vegetables amazes me  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bukpol Egis

If you have washed it clean, immediately put the cucumber into the water that was added with the onion. Boil briefly then add the sprouts. Don't forget to add salt and seasoning to make it even more delicious. If there is, you can replace this flavoring with anchovies to make it even healthier.

"Usually I give anchovies. Because I don't have anchovies, I just give them flavoring," said Egis.

This policewoman's way of cooking clear vegetables amazes me  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bukpol Egis

So, if the taste is right on your tongue, immediately turn off the heat on the stove. After that, serve this clear vegetable with side dishes according to taste. In the video, Egis eats this clear vegetable with warm white rice, fried fish and sambal Belacan. Wow, guaranteed to drool, right?

This policewoman's way of cooking clear vegetables amazes me  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bukpol Egis

Come on, make your family healthier by processing food in the right way. Interested in trying it at home?

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.