Indonesia records around 15,000 cases of cervical cancer each year.

  11 Agustus 2024 07:30 - Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that attacks cells in the cervix. This disease begins when cells in the area develop abnormally. Over time, the growth of these cells becomes more aggressive and uncontrolled, forming a tumor. Well, this malignant tumor is what causes cervical cancer.

According to, Indonesia records around 15,000 cases of cervical cancer each year . Unfortunately, early detection of cervical cancer through routine pap smear examinations has not received enough attention. Moreover, this disease often does not show symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms generally only appear when the cancer has spread and entered a more advanced stage.

One way to avoid cervical cancer or even further infection is to routinely consume healthy foods high in folate. What are they? Check out the review of good foods that help prevent cervical cancer, BrilioFood collected from various sources on Sunday (11/8).

1. Spinach.

These 9 Foods Are High in Folate  2024


Spinach is an excellent source of folate. In one serving of cooked spinach (about one cup), there are about 263 micrograms. Spinach also contains various other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron.

The antioxidant content in spinach helps fight free radicals, which can reduce the risk of cancer cell development. Consuming spinach regularly can support the immune system and overall cell health.

2. Broccoli.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is rich in folate, with about 63 micrograms per one-cup serving of cooked broccoli. In addition to folate, broccoli contains the compound sulforaphane, which has anticancer properties.

The combination of folate and these compounds helps repair DNA and prevent cell damage that can contribute to cancer. Broccoli also supports the body's detoxification and improves digestive health.

3. Asparagus.

These 9 Foods Are High in Folate  2024


Asparagus is a very folate-rich vegetable, containing about 70 micrograms in a serving of about one cup of cooked asparagus. In addition to folate, asparagus also contains vitamin K and antioxidants that play a role in fighting inflammation and oxidative stress. By consuming asparagus regularly, it can support cell health and reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

4. Black beans.

Black beans are a good source of folate, with about 256 micrograms in one cup of cooked black beans. Black beans are also rich in fiber, protein, and various vitamins and minerals. Consuming black beans can help maintain a healthy digestive system and support the body's metabolic processes, thus playing a role in preventing various diseases, including cancer.

5. Avocado.

These 9 Foods Are High in Folate  2024


Avocados contain about 82 micrograms of folate per fruit. In addition to folate, avocados are also high in healthy fats, vitamin E, and potassium. The antioxidants and healthy fats in avocados help reduce inflammation and protect body cells from oxidative damage. Adding avocados to your diet may support cellular health and reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

6. Orange.

Oranges are rich in folate, with about 40 micrograms per medium fruit. Oranges are also high in vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant and supports the immune system.

Consuming oranges regularly can help protect body cells from damage and strengthen the body's resistance to various diseases, including cervical cancer.

7. Lettuce.

These 9 Foods Are High in Folate  2024


Lettuce is a green leafy vegetable that contains about 70 micrograms of folate in one cup of raw lettuce. Lettuce is also a good source of fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin K.

Eating lettuce can help improve digestive health, improve skin, support the immune system, and potentially reduce the risk of cancer.

8. Pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds contain about 58 micrograms of folate per one-ounce serving. In addition to folate, pumpkin seeds are also rich in magnesium, zinc, and protein. The antioxidants in pumpkin seeds help protect body cells from damage and support a healthy immune system. Adding pumpkin seeds to your diet may provide additional cancer-preventing benefits.

9. Corn.

These 9 Foods Are High in Folate  2024


Corn is a good source of folate, with about 76 micrograms per one-cup serving of cooked corn. Corn also contains fiber, vitamin C, and various antioxidants. Consuming corn may help support digestive health and protect the body from cell damage that can potentially lead to cervical cancer.

Regularly consuming foods rich in folate can help maintain overall health and reduce the risk of various diseases, including cervical cancer. Combining these foods in your daily diet can provide optimal health benefits.
