foto: Instagram/@nila_asikh1

The legit sweetness makes me not stop chewing.

  9 Juli 2024 01:00 - Carang mas is a typical Kediri market snack whose shape is unique, because it resembles a takraw ball. Made from sweet potatoes, carang mas has a dominant sweet taste. The following is a recipe for Kediri's typical carang mas, a traditional snack that makes you addicted like BrilioFood as reported by Instagram @nila_asikh1.

Kediri's typical carang mas recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@nila_asikh1

- 1 kg sweet potatoes
- 15 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 1 liter of cooking oil
- 1 tbsp salt
- Enough water

How to make:
1. Peel the sweet potato, then shave it lengthwise.
2. Soak in salt water for 15-30 minutes, so that the color doesn't turn black and the sweet potato tastes deliciously salty.
3. Drain until the sweet potatoes are completely dry.
4. Prepare a large frying pan. Pour in 500 ml of cooking oil, heat over low heat.
5. Add 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar to the hot oil, stir until the sugar has completely melted and is brown in color.
6. Put 2 handfuls of shaved sweet potatoes into the cooking oil mixed with granulated sugar. Stir well.
7. Fry until the sweet potatoes are cooked and dry.
8. Immediately lift and while it is still hot, print it with the mold. Do this immediately because it hardens very quickly.
9. Arrange on a cooling rack until it dries and hardens.
10. Store in a jar.
