foto: Tiktok/@dolcee073

Grapes have many health benefits, but the waxy coating on their skin can be annoying. Find out how to easily remove it.

  12 September 2024 07:00 - Eating fruits is very good for your health. One of them is grapes, which according to the Healthline site, can lower cholesterol levels, improve mood and memory, and support bone health thanks to the content of potassium, manganese, and vitamins B, C, K. Grapes are also rich in antioxidants that can fight free radicals.

For those who like to enjoy grapes with their skins, there is good news. A study published by the National Library of Medicine in the journal "Grape bioactive molecules, and the potential health benefits in reducing the risk of heart diseases" in December 2021, showed that the highest concentration of antioxidants in grapes is found in the skin and seeds. However, this is also influenced by factors such as grape variety, ripeness, storage after harvest, and environmental conditions.

However, many people are hesitant to eat grapes with their skins because of the waxy coating that covers the skin. This coating makes some people reluctant to consume them directly. Washing them with plain water is not enough to remove the waxy coating. Usually, people soak grapes in a salt solution. However, if that doesn't work, there are other methods you can try.

A Tiktok netizen @dolcee073 has his own way to clean the wax layer on the grapes he is about to consume. The result turns out to make the grape skin look clean, without any white marks covering it.

In the video uploaded by the account @dolcee073 in mid-June 2023, he used wheat flour.

Quoted from BrilioFood from Tiktok @dolcee073, Thursday (12/9), the first step is to prepare the grapes to be washed. Also prepare enough wheat flour.

Tricks to remove wax from grapes Tiktok/@dolcee073

photo: Tiktok/@dolcee073

Place the grapes in a container, then sprinkle with flour. Then, add water until the grapes are submerged.

Tricks to remove wax from grapes Tiktok/@dolcee073

photo: Tiktok/@dolcee073

Rub the grapes until the white waxy layer on the skin is gone. Then let the grapes sit in the flour-soaked water for a few minutes.

"Rub the grapes. Soak for 3-5 minutes," said the account owner in Malaysian Malay.

Tricks to remove wax from grapes Tiktok/@dolcee073

photo: Tiktok/@dolcee073

Looking at the results of the method used by the account owner @dolcee073, the grapes appear clean and ready to eat.

Tricks to remove wax from grapes Tiktok/@dolcee073

photo: Tiktok/@dolcee073
