Wax also helps keep the fruit moist and prevents damage, so the wine lasts longer.

  12 Juni 2024 20:00

Brilio.net - Layers of wax and pesticides on wine are often a concern because of their impact on health. Wax is usually used by producers to coat wine to keep it fresh and shiny while it is shipped to consumers. Apart from that, wax also helps keep the fruit moist and prevents damage, so the wine lasts longer.

Unfortunately, the wax coating on wine often contains chemicals that are harmful to the body if consumed in excess. This is exacerbated when grapes are cultivated with pesticides during the planting and growing process. Pesticides are used to protect plants from pests and disease, but residues of these chemicals can remain on grape skins even after washing.

Long-term consumption of wax and pesticide residues can pose health risks, such as hormone disruption and an increased risk of cancer. To overcome this, there are several steps that can be taken, namely by cleaning the layer of wax and pesticides. Some people usually clean grapes by rubbing them with baking soda to make them cleaner.

Apart from using baking soda, there are actually other ingredients that can be used to clean wax and pesticides on wine. This material was used by a young mother who owns the Instagram account @ruma.hann. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he used two other kitchen ingredients to clean the grapes.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @ruma.hann on Wednesday (12/6), the kitchen ingredients in question are flour and salt. Basically, flour has a slightly abrasive texture, which helps remove layers of wax and dirt from the surface of the wine. This is different from salt which can help break down and dissolve wax and pesticide residues. Salt also has antibacterial properties that can help eliminate bacteria and other microorganisms on the surface of wine.

tricks for cleaning wine wax & pesticides  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ruma.hann

To do this, prepare grapes that have been picked from the stems. Then put it in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of flour. If so, add 2 tablespoons salt.

Next, pour water until the entire surface of the wine is completely submerged. Stir and let sit for 10-15 minutes. After that, rub the grape skins using your hands to make them even cleaner.

tricks for cleaning wine wax & pesticides  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ruma.hann

So, grapes that have been scrubbed can be immediately filtered and rinsed under running water. Don't forget to drain thoroughly and transfer to another container. That way, the clean wine is ready to be consumed.

tricks for cleaning wine wax & pesticides  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ruma.hann

This post about tricks for cleaning wax and pesticides from wine has been viewed more than 462 thousand times. It's not surprising that the video received a flood of comments from netizens. Most Instagram users admitted that they just found out and wanted to apply this useful trick.

"Thanks for the tip sis, I only use baking soda," explained Instagram @rumah_desa_pinky.

"Wow, there are other functions of flour besides consumption," said Instagram @inche_irmawijaya.

"Just found out another function of maacih shring flour mam," wrote the Instagram account @rumahibokarha.

"You can also use toothpaste, add toothpaste to the water, then soak it," commented the Instagram account @ddharyati.

"Wow, this is really useful for me, thank you for the tips, bro," said Instagram @_rumahantik.
