foto: YouTube/tri pujis

Omelettes can be a simple and delicious side dish. Find out how to make them thicker with one extra pantry ingredient.

  11 September 2024 14:00 - Eggs are one of the practical side dish choices and can be used as a weekly cooking idea. Although often considered a simple dish, eggs have many health benefits. According to information from, eggs can help meet the body's protein needs, increase good cholesterol levels, maintain ideal body weight, and support heart health.

There are various side dishes that can be made from eggs, such as balado eggs , soy sauce eggs, fried eggs, stir-fried eggs, and omelets. Omelettes seem to be a favorite of many people. This is because this dish is very easy to make and tastes delicious. Served with warm rice, omelets can increase appetite.

However, many people feel that omelets are less attractive because of their flat appearance, so they feel like they run out quickly when eaten. Therefore, people often add fillings such as cabbage, tofu, tempeh, carrots, and others to make the omelet look thicker. One user on YouTube, tri pujis, also has a surefire trick for making a thicker omelet.

"I just found out how to make eggs like this in my entire life, it tastes delicious and is addictive," he said, as quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Tri Pujis on Wednesday (11/9).

The first step is to break the eggs into a bowl, then mix them with seasonings such as salt, pepper, sugar, sliced spring onions, shallots, garlic, and chili. After that, stir all the ingredients until well mixed.

Tricks to cook thicker omelettes, just add 1 kitchen ingredient  YouTube

photo: YouTube/tri pujis

Next, add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. This cornstarch functions as the main ingredient to make the omelet denser and not easily deflated after cooking. Instead of frying it directly, Tri chose to steam the eggs first using a baking sheet.

Steaming this omelet can produce a thicker and neater texture. The time needed to steam can be adjusted according to the number of eggs used. In this experiment, Tri used 6 eggs and steamed them for approximately 30 minutes. As a result, the omelet became much thicker.

Tricks to cook thicker omelettes, just add 1 kitchen ingredient  YouTube

photo: YouTube/tri pujis

After the steaming process is complete, the eggs can be removed from the pan and cut into pieces according to taste. This omelet can be served immediately or fried briefly until it is brown. After that, drain and serve with warm rice.

Tricks to cook thicker omelettes, just add 1 kitchen ingredient  YouTube

photo: YouTube/tri pujis
