foto: YouTube/Marst7

The function of the frying pan is better maintained if it is cared for properly.

  24 Februari 2024 15:30 - The bottom or bottom of the pan gets dirty easily because it is often exposed to fire from the stove. After using it for cooking, sometimes people only focus on cleaning the inside, so the stains on the bottom of the pan can accumulate and turn into a thick crust over years of use.

If the crust on the bottom of the pan is very thick, it will definitely be difficult to clean. Many people choose the instant method by buying special stain cleaning agents for frying pans. However, effective cleaning agents for removing burnt crust on pans usually have relatively high prices. Mendang-mending people seem to prefer other, more economical methods.

If you are one of them, don't worry because there is a much simpler way to clean burnt crust on the bottom of a frying pan, shared by netizens on the Marst7 YouTube account. After investigating, this method only requires capital of around Rp. 5,000 to buy two cleaning materials.

How to clean burnt crust on the bottom of a frying pan.

So, there are two simple ingredients needed to practice how to clean burnt crust on the bottom of a frying pan, namely dabbing soap and citric acid. Dab soap costs around IDR 2,000, while citrus is estimated at IDR 3,000.

First apply dabbing soap to the entire surface of the bottom of the pan, then sprinkle with lemon. If you have sensitive skin, you should use gloves when applying this dab and citrus soap.

"It must be completely covered with dabbing soap," emphasized the owner of the YouTube account Marst7, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (23/2).

How to clean burnt crust on the bottom of this pan  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Marst7

After adding dabbing soap and citrus, leave the pan for approximately 1 hour so that the two ingredients can remove the stain optimally. Next, rub the bottom of the pan using a wire wool until all the burnt crust stains are gone.

The owner of the YouTube account Marst7 explains, if there are still stubborn stains remaining, you can repeat the same trick from the beginning one more time. Finally, after all the stains are gone, rinse the bottom of the pan with clean water until there is no more lemon and dab soap left.

How to clean burnt crust on the bottom of this pan  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Marst7

How about it, it's really simple to clean the burnt crust on the bottom of this pan, right? Taking a peek at Marst7's YouTube upload which has been watched 227 thousand times, several netizens seem enthusiastic about trying this method, you know. On the other hand, there are also those who share other methods that are no less effective for cleaning the bottom of a frying pan.

"Use, rub ashes, for me. To clean, right, the inside of the pan," said YouTube user @vw2po2li6u.

"Where can you buy asit citrite, sir? Thank you for your knowledge," asked YouTube @catharinasumilah8535 and the video owner answered, "In a shop that sells clothes bleach ad."

"In HK GK there is dabbing soap, bro, I have a soup pot, the item LBH is thicker than this, I just use toothpaste, vinegar and salt, let it sit for 15 minutes q scrub it, thank God it's clean," explained YouTube @uumiatiati5304.

How to keep the bottom of the pan from burning easily.

It is quite difficult to avoid burnt spots on the bottom of a frying pan that is used regularly every day. Here are a number of ways you can do it.

1. Choose a quality frying pan.

A good quality frying pan with thick material and good heat distribution tends to have a lower tendency to burn.

2. Use medium heat.

Avoid using too big a fire when cooking. Too big a fire can cause uneven heat and cause the bottom of the pan to burn quickly. It's better to use medium heat so that the heat is evenly distributed.

3. Use enough oil or fat.

Adding a small amount of oil or fat to the bottom of the pan before cooking can help prevent food from coming into direct contact with hot surfaces and reduce the risk of burning.

4. Use a non-stick frying pan.

A pan with a nonstick coating can help prevent food from sticking to the surface of the pan, which can cause the bottom of the pan to burn.

5. Pay attention to cooking time.

Don't leave food on the pan for too long. Pay attention to cooking times and remove food from the pan when it is cooked to avoid the bottom of the pan getting too hot and burning.

6. Keep the pan clean.

The bottom of a pan that is dirty or oily tends to burn more easily. Make sure to clean the wok thoroughly after use and avoid excessive oil or grease buildup.
