YouTube/Benny creator

This method is easy to imitate, the results are satisfying.

  24 Februari 2024 11:30 - Cooking oil is often stocked to make it more practical when you want to use it for cooking. However, after being used for cooking, cooking oil will turn cloudy and dirty . After investigating, this was caused by food waste that was scattered in the cooking oil.

If it is already dirty, some people usually just throw away the cooking oil . In fact, cooking oil can still be used, you know. To do this, add the tapioca flour solution to the cooking oil. Stir until all the dirt in the cooking oil has clumped together.

After stirring for a while, remove the lumps of tapioca flour solution. The cooking oil immediately returned to being clear and clean again.

But don't just use a tapioca flour solution, because there are other methods that can be used to clean dirty cooking oil, you know. This other method was demonstrated by YouTube user Benny Creator. It can be seen in the video upload that this netizen only relies on one food ingredient.

Curious about how?

How to clear dirty oil so it is clear again.

At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of his used cooking oil. From the color it looks black, yes. Even if you look closely, there are remnants of cooking left in it.

clear cooking oil YouTube  2024

photo: YouTube/Benny creator

To clear it, pour cooking oil into the pan. Before heating it, he deliberately put one food ingredient in it, namely butter.

"That's about it, friends," said the owner of the video, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Benny creator on Saturday (24/2).

clear cooking oil YouTube  2024

photo: YouTube/Benny creator

Once done, turn on the stove to low heat and stir until the butter melts by itself. After the butter melts, the color of the cooking oil changes to yellowish. The next step is to turn off the stove heat and let the cooking oil sit until it cools.

clear cooking oil YouTube  2024

photo: YouTube/Benny creator

After letting it sit for 3 hours, no need to filter it, transfer the cooking oil into a bottle.

clear cooking oil YouTube  2024

photo: YouTube/Benny creator

The cooking oil looks clear again, right? If this is the case, just use cooking oil when cooking.

Ingredients and benefits of butter for health.

Butter is a dairy product made from milk cream that is whipped until it turns into a solid texture. It mainly contains milk fat, water, and a small amount of sugar. Despite having a bad reputation due to its high saturated fat content, butter also has several health benefits in the right amounts and as part of a balanced diet. Here are some of the contents and benefits of butter for health:

1. Fat.

Butter contains fat, especially saturated fat and trans fat. Moderate amounts of saturated fat are required by the body for certain functions.

2. Vitamins and minerals.

Butter also contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A and D, as well as calcium.

3. Fatty acids.

Butter contains essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 in small amounts.

Benefits of butter for health.

1. Energy source.

The fat in butter is a dense source of energy, which is essential for the human body. It provides the energy necessary for various daily activities.

2. Nutrient absorption.

The fat in butter helps the absorption of several important nutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

3. Bone health.

The calcium in butter, even in small amounts, supports bone health.

4. Skin and eyes.

The vitamin A in butter is important for good eye and skin health.

5. Brain function.

The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in butter may aid in healthy brain function.

However, it is important to consume butter wisely because its high saturated fat and trans fat content can increase the risk of heart disease if consumed in large quantities. Healthier butter options may include less processed butter or butter fortified with omega-3s. It is best to adjust butter consumption to the daily fat and calorie intake guidelines and in the context of a balanced diet.
