YouTube/Taman Kreasiku

Not only the bottom, the inside or bottom of the pan is also at risk of getting burnt food stains.

  23 Februari 2024 18:02 - The cooking process doesn't always run smoothly. Sometimes you forget to leave food while the stove is still on. Until finally the food actually burned.

If it's already burnt, the remaining cooking ingredients will usually stick to the inside of the pan . Not only that, burnt stains also covered the bottom of the pan. In fact, if you just leave it like that, the burnt stain will harden and become more difficult to clean .

As a solution, a number of people deliberately rub the pan with citrus. After rubbing for a while, the burnt crust on the pan disappeared by itself. Unfortunately, some people claim that their skin becomes irritated and itchy when exposed to citrus solution.

To get around this, you can imitate how to clean burnt crust on a pan shown by YouTube user Taman Kreasiku. At the beginning of his video upload, he showed the appearance of his pan. It can be seen that the inside and bottom are covered with a black, burnt crust.

3 burnt pan kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/My Creation Garden

Instead of scrubbing it with a citrus solution, this netizen actually relied on three kitchen ingredients to clean the burnt crust on the pan.

Tricks for cleaning burnt crust at the bottom of the pan so it shines.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Taman Kreasiku on Friday (23/2), the kitchen ingredients used were 1/2 a lemon, enough dish soap and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

"Mix all these ingredients together in a pan," he said.

3 burnt pan kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/My Creation Garden

If so, then pour boiling water into the pan. Then let the pan sit for 30 minutes until the water is cold. After letting it sit for 30 minutes, discard the soaking water, then peel off the burnt crust in the pan.

3 burnt pan kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/My Creation Garden

To get maximum cleanliness, he also scrubbed the inside of the pan using a dishwashing sponge. Without using any extra effort, all the burnt crust fell off instantly.

3 burnt pan kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/My Creation Garden

To clean his buttocks, he sprinkled baking soda and applied dish soap. Then rub the bottom of the pan using a wire sponge.

3 burnt pan kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/My Creation Garden

After rubbing for a while, rinse the pan with running water. You can rub it while making sure there is no burnt crust or remaining cleaning solution still attached.

3 burnt pan kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/My Creation Garden

The appearance of the pan immediately shines like new, right?

Ingredients and benefits of lemon.

Lemons are rich in nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber, and plant compounds that can provide health benefits. Here are some of the main contents and benefits of lemons.

1. Vitamin C

Lemons are known to be a rich source of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body, strengthens the immune system, and helps in the formation of collagen.

2. Fiber.

Lemons contain dietary fiber, which helps maintain healthy digestion and can help reduce the risk of heart disease and improve blood sugar control.

3. Plant compounds.

Lemons also contain plant compounds such as flavonoids and limonoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This compound can help protect the body from various chronic diseases.

4. Other vitamins and minerals.

Apart from vitamin C, lemons also contain small amounts of other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, potassium and magnesium.

Benefits of lemons for health.

1. Improve the immune system.

The vitamin C content in lemons can help improve the immune system, keeping the body strong against infection and disease.

2. Helps digestion.

The fiber in lemons helps encourage bowel movements and reduces constipation. It also helps maintain overall digestive system health.

3. Reduces the risk of heart disease.

The antioxidant compounds in lemons can help protect the heart by reducing inflammation and improving blood vessel health.

4. Helps lose weight.

The fiber content in lemons can help make the stomach feel full for longer, which can help in weight management.

5. Improve skin health.

The vitamin C in lemons helps repair and renew skin tissue, keeping skin healthy and radiant.

6. Maintain kidney health.

The potassium content in lemons can help maintain kidney health by supporting good kidney function and reducing the risk of kidney stone formation.

However, it is important to remember that lemon consumption must be balanced and not excessive, especially for those who have digestive problems such as high stomach acid. Always consult a doctor or nutritionist before making major changes to your diet.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.