If you use regular detergent, stains on dirty towels won't be able to be cleaned straight away like before.

  23 Februari 2024 21:00 - Towels are one of the toiletries that are used almost every day to dry the body. This is what ultimately makes the towels dirty quickly.

If you look closely, the towel that is often used looks dirty . The basic color of the towel is even much different from when it was first purchased. Not infrequently, towels also smell musty when kissed up close.

Knowing this, a number of people immediately wash and scrub their towels using a detergent solution. Unfortunately, this method is not effective for removing all stubborn stains on towels. So what's the solution?

A mother, YouTube user RUNNY RESTIANA , showed how to wash dirty towels so they are bright again . It can be seen in his video upload that he doesn't use detergent as a cleaning mixture at all, you know.

How to wash dirty towels so they are bright again.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube RUNNY RESTIANA on Friday (23/2), the kitchen ingredients used were baking soda and dishwashing soap. Put about 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into the container. Then add 1/2 packet of citrus to taste as a cleaning mixture.

dirty towels are bright again  2024


Before stirring, he also poured enough dish soap into the container. Finally, just pour hot water into it. Stir until all ingredients are completely mixed.

dirty towels are bright again  2024


Next, put the towel in the cleaning solution that has been made. Press so that all parts of the towel are completely submerged. If so, leave the towel for a few moments.

"Do the soaking process for up to 1 night," said the video owner.

dirty towels are bright again  2024


After soaking overnight, wring out the towel. Add enough dabbing soap, then check the towel with my bare hands. Without expending extra energy, all the stubborn stains on the towels will disappear instantly. This is because the towel has been soaked in cleaning solution overnight.

dirty towels are bright again  2024


If you feel it is clean enough, rinse the towel using normal water. Make sure the towel is as clean as possible and that there are no stains or residue of cleaning solution left behind.

dirty towels are bright again  2024


Finally, towels can be dried directly in the sun. After drying, the appearance becomes clearer.

dirty towels are bright again  2024


Rubby towels are bright again, right?

Ingredients and benefits of baking soda.

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. It is a white powder that is soluble in water. Baking soda is generally used in cooking as a rising agent because it releases carbon dioxide gas when exposed to heat, resulting in dough that rises. However, besides its use in cooking, baking soda also has a number of other benefits, including:

1. Cleaning agent.

Baking soda is an effective cleaning agent. It can be used to clean surfaces such as glass, metal, and ceramics. Mix it with water to make an effective cleaning paste.

2. Deodorizer.

Baking soda has the ability to absorb unwanted odors. It is often used in wardrobes, cupboards, and refrigerators to eliminate unpleasant odors.

3. Acne treatment.

Baking soda can be used as a natural ingredient to help treat acne. It can be used as a gentle scrub to remove dead skin cells and control excess oil production on the skin.

4. Stain remover.

Baking soda can help remove stains on surfaces such as teeth, clothing, and other household surfaces. It is often used as an additive in detergent to help remove stains on clothes.

5. Hair care.

Baking soda can be used to clean hair and scalp. Mixed with water, it can help remove product residue and excess oil from hair.

6. Treatment of canker sores.

Baking soda can be used as a mouthwash to help reduce the pain and inflammation of canker sores.

Although baking soda has many benefits, it is important to use it carefully and according to instructions because it can cause irritation to the skin or mucous membranes if used excessively or incorrectly.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.