
Mop the floor in a different way.

  23 Februari 2024 17:00

Brilio.net - House floors that are often mopped will certainly look clean and rough. Different things will be seen if the floor is rarely mopped. The floor will look dull and smell fishy or musty if it is rarely mopped. To keep the floor clean, people usually mop the floor with a special floor cleaning fluid.

However, there are also a number of people who try mopping the floor in different ways . Some people add other ingredients to mop the floor, such as salt, vinegar, and even clothes bleach. These ingredients are believed to make the floor more durable and smell longer lasting.

But if you don't have these ingredients, there's no need to worry. The reason is, there is still one other trick, mopping the floor which was shared by the TikTok account @buronanemakk. After all, this trick only requires the addition of one kitchen ingredient , you know. But the results can make the floor rough and free from fishy odors.

What do you think the trick is like?

Tricks for mopping the floor to make it rough and smell good.

"Mothers will definitely be annoyed if after mopping the floor, instead of being clean and fragrant, it smells fishy and has water spots. There are special tricks to make the floor clean and fragrant for a long time," wrote the TikTok account @buronanemakk, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (22/2 ).

Tricks for mopping floors so they are smooth and smell good for up to two weeks  various sources

photo: TikTok/@buronanemakk

First, pour cold water and hot water into the microfiber mop bucket.

On the other hand, prepare the kitchen ingredients you will use, namely dishwashing soap. Pour the kitchen ingredients into a used bottle. Add fragrance to used bottles. Punch a hole in the used bottle cap.

Tricks for mopping floors so they are smooth and smell good for up to two weeks  various sources

photo: TikTok/@buronanemakk

The liquid mixture for mopping the floor is ready to be used. Dip the mop in a mixture of hot and cold water in the bucket, then you can immediately spray the floor cleaning liquid mixture while mopping. Continue mopping the floor as usual and leave it until the floor is dry.

The owner of the TikTok account @buronanemakk also said that this mopping trick can make the floor of your house rougher and smell better for up to two weeks, you know.

"This method can make the floor smooth and smell good for up to 2 weeks," he continued.

Isn't this trick for mopping the floor so it's rough and fragrant? It's quite easy, isn't it? The floor mopping trick shared by this TikTok user has also been watched more than 4 thousand times, you know.

@buronanemakk Replying to @buronanemakk tricks for mopping floors clean with fragrant mats Mak #tips for flooring #flooring #buronanemak Sweet Strawberry (Live) - eas Ratta

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