YouTube/Putra Api Biru Tv

The thickened crust can also disappear. The frying pan is like new again~

  20 Februari 2024 19:00 - Frying pans can be used for cooking. Not only for frying, you can also saut, boil, and even bake with a frying pan. Because the shape of the pan is concave inward, food ingredients will not spill out when cooked.

Even so, the frying pan still needs to be cared for so that it lasts a long time . One of the easiest maintenance things to do is to clean the pan after every use.

How to clean a frying pan can't be done haphazardly either. Sometimes most people only clean the inside of the pan. Even though the burnt crust was on the bottom of the pan. As a result, burnt crust accumulates at the bottom of the pan.

To clean it, you can rub the bottom of the pan with baking soda or citrus. These two cleaning agents are thought to be able to remove burnt crust on the bottom of the pan easily. Once clean, just wash the pan as usual.

But don't just use baking soda or citrus, it turns out there are other cleaning agents that can be used to remove burnt crust on the bottom of the pan. The method was done by YouTube user Putra Api Biru Tv.

How to quickly descale a frying pan.

The first step, apply toothpaste to the entire surface of the pan. To ensure it was evenly distributed, this netizen deliberately greased the pan using his bare hands.

pan using salt  2024

photo: YouTube/Putra Api Biru Tv

Once it was even, he immediately sprinkled one kitchen spice, namely salt, all over the surface of the pan. So that this cleaning solution works optimally, first let the pan sit for 2 hours.

pan using salt  2024

photo: YouTube/Putra Api Biru Tv

Flush the pan with enough water after leaving it for 2 hours. Once done, scrub the entire surface of the pan with a wire sponge.

pan using salt  2024

photo: YouTube/Putra Api Biru Tv

For maximum cleanliness, he also added dish soap to the pan. Rub the entire surface of the pan again with a dishwashing sponge. Finally, rinse the pan with running water. While rubbing with your hands, make sure the entire surface of the pan is as clean as possible.

pan using salt  2024

photo: YouTube/Putra Api Biru Tv

As a result, the pan looks clean and shiny again. The burnt crust on the bottom of the pan disappeared and nothing remained.

pan using salt  2024

photo: YouTube/Putra Api Biru Tv

If the pan is free from crust, cooking will be more comfortable and more enthusiastic.

The benefits of salt for removing any stains.

Salt has several benefits in removing stains on some materials or surfaces, mainly due to its abrasive nature and ability to absorb moisture. Here are some examples of using salt to remove stains:

1. Stains on fabric.

Mix salt with warm water to make a solution. Rub this salt solution into the stain on the fabric, then rinse with clean water. Salt can help loosen stain particles and make them easier to remove.

2. Stains on the carpet.

Sprinkle salt on fresh stains on the carpet and let it sit for a few minutes to allow the salt to absorb moisture and dirt. Then, brush or vacuum the remaining salt and dirt that has been absorbed.

3. Stains on metal surfaces.

Mix salt with vinegar or lemon juice to make a paste. Rub this paste on the stained metal surface, then rinse with clean water. Salt along with vinegar or lemon juice can help dissolve and remove stains on metal surfaces.

4. Stains on ceramic or porcelain.

Mix salt with warm water to make a paste. Rub this salt paste on stains on ceramic or porcelain, then rinse with clean water.

5. Stains on the glass.

Mix salt with warm water and a little vinegar. Use this mixture to clean stains on the glass with a soft cloth or sponge, then rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Although salt can help remove many stains, remember that not all types of stains can be completely removed with salt alone. Sometimes, tougher or more complex stains require special treatment or stronger cleaners. It is always important to test use of salt on a small area first to ensure there is no damage to the surface being cleaned.
