foto: Instagram/@tohari412

This buildup of crust makes the surface of the bathroom ceramics slippery, which can be dangerous for those who use it.

  29 Maret 2024 22:00 - The bathroom is one of the rooms in the house that is used every day. Because it is often exposed to water, sometimes bathroom ceramics become dirty quickly and are covered in crust. After investigating, this is because the water used contains high levels of lime or calcium.

If you don't clean it immediately, the appearance of the bathroom tiles will look dirty. In fact, this buildup of crust makes the surface of the bathroom ceramics slippery. This is of course very dangerous because there is a risk that anyone in the bathroom will slip.

To work around this, you have to clean the bathroom ceramics regularly. However, you don't need to worry if the bathroom ceramics are already crusty, because there is one way you can do it. An Instagram user @tohari412 showed how in one of his video uploads. According to him, this method is effective for removing limescale in the bathroom.

How to clean bathroom floor tiles.

"I will show you how to clean dirty bathroom ceramics like this so they are shiny again," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @tohari412 on Friday (29/3).

ceramics gentlemen 5 minutes  2024

photo: Instagram/@tohari412

To clean it, this netizen only relies on cleaning materials that are already at home. In the video upload, these gentlemen mixed two kitchen ingredients, namely salt and vinegar, in a container. Add enough water, stir until completely mixed.

ceramics gentlemen 5 minutes  2024

photo: Instagram/@tohari412

Then just pour the cleaning solution onto the bathroom ceramics. Don't rub it straight away, but first let the bathroom tile sit for 5 minutes. That way the cleaning solution will work optimally.

ceramics gentlemen 5 minutes  2024

photo: Instagram/@tohari412

After leaving it for 5 minutes, scrub the bathroom ceramics using a wire sponge. Without expending extra effort, all the bathroom crust is gone, leaving nothing behind. If this is the case, just flush the bathroom tiles with clean water.

ceramics gentlemen 5 minutes  2024

photo: Instagram/@tohari412

As a result, the bathroom ceramics are maximally clean and shiny again. By using two kitchen ingredients and letting them sit for just 5 minutes, you can get maximum results, right?

ceramics gentlemen 5 minutes  2024

photo: Instagram/@tohari412

Tricks to keep the bathroom floor from slippery.

Here are some tricks that can help make the bathroom floor non-slip.

1. Bathroom carpet.

Place bathroom rugs that have non-slip material around wet areas such as the bathtub or shower. Make sure the carpet remains dry and clean to avoid mold growth.

2. Anti-slip sprayer.

Use a non-slip spray that can be found at home improvement stores. Spray this product on the bathroom floor and follow the instructions for use on the packaging.

3. Safe use of bathroom equipment.

Use footwear that has good grip when in the bathroom to reduce the risk of slipping.

4. Use of special ceramics.

Choose bathroom floor tiles that have a non-slip surface. Many ceramic manufacturers offer products with special textures designed to reduce the risk of slipping.

5. Dry the surface.

Be sure to dry the bathroom floor after use, especially the area around the tub or shower. Residual water can increase the risk of the floor becoming slippery.

By following some of these tricks, you can help make your bathroom floor safer and reduce the risk of slipping. However, if you have specific concerns about bathroom safety, consider consulting a professional for more specific advice.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.