foto: TikTok/@pipitsupiati7

It turns out the trick is no less simple than using salt. The result is rough and shiny.

  29 Maret 2024 12:00 - Clean floors will make the house feel more comfortable. Not only that, clean floors can also minimize sources of disease in the house. But unfortunately, many people refuse to mop the floor because it is considered an activity that requires a lot of energy.

Mopping the floor cannot be done carelessly. In order for the floor to get dirty, many people have to mop it up to 3 times. This is because the cleaning fluid is not effective enough to remove stains. As a solution, a number of people choose to add a number of kitchen ingredients as a mixture of floor cleaning liquid.

One kitchen ingredient that is often added is salt. It is believed that salt can help remove stubborn stains and make the floor of the house rougher . But if you don't want the salt at home to be wasted, you can copy the trick shared by TikTok user @pipitsupiati7.

He admitted that he had an effective way to make the floor smooth and smell good. He only relies on simple ingredients, one of which is by adding kitchen ingredients that are quite easy to get.

"It's rarely mopped but the floor is still shiny. This is the secret," he said.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @pipitsupiati7 on Thursday (28/3), the ingredients used were hot water and floor cleaning fluid. Meanwhile, the kitchen ingredient used is dish washing soap.

Tricks for mopping the floor so that it gets dirty for up to a week, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

Tricks for mopping the floor to make it dirty for up to a week, add 1 kitchen ingredient

First, prepare the mop that you will use. Then pour the floor cleaning fluid into the mop container. Also add enough dishwashing soap and hot water. If so, put the mop in a container containing cleaning fluid. After that, wring the mop.

Please note that this trick for mopping the first floor can only be done with a mop that is equipped with a wringer. If you use a manual mop, it can irritate your hands and cause blisters because of using hot water.

Tricks for mopping the floor so that it gets dirty for up to a week, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

Tricks for mopping the floor to make it dirty for up to a week, add 1 kitchen ingredient

After wringing, immediately use a mop to clean the floor of the house and let the floor dry completely. As a result, the floor becomes rough and smells good.

Tricks for mopping the floor so that it gets dirty for up to a week, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

Tricks for mopping the floor to make it dirty for up to a week, add 1 kitchen ingredient

"You don't need to mop every day. Just 3 times a week, even once a week," he concluded.

It turns out that even without adding salt, this trick for mopping the first floor has really different results, right? Looking at the YouTube user's upload, this surefire trick has been watched 161 thousand times. There were also several netizens who provided responses via the comments column.

"New knowledge," wrote the account @sebelas_sebelas21.

"Cuzzz try it," said the account @mamynya_yusuf.

"Kinclong," said the account @sitiwahyuni3184.
