
Especially during the sacrificial moment, beef stocks can pile up in the refrigerator.

  12 Juni 2024 21:00 - Beef is a food ingredient that is easy to prepare and is liked by many people. Various meat-based menus such as soup, rendang, jerky, or even stir-fry really taste delicious. Apart from being a basic ingredient, meat can also be used as an addition or topping to food.

Well, the large number of menus made from beef means that this food ingredient is often stored in large quantities as stock. When storing beef, some people usually pack it in a container and then put it in the freezer. This will make the beef frozen and last longer.

However, apart from freezing, there are other ways you can do it when you want to store beef . An Instagram user @sukakalimasak once shared a simple tutorial on storing beef so that it lasts and doesn't rot without a freezer. With this technique, beef can be preserved for up to 1 week.

How to store meat so that it lasts and doesn't rot is really easy.

As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @sukakalimasak on Wednesday (12/6), there are a number of steps that must be taken when you want to store beef. In the video, he admits to cooking the beef first with a number of spices. So, this roasting process will make the beef last longer even if it is not stored in the freezer.

So, the first thing that must be prepared is 500 grams of beef that you want to store. In the video, he uses thinly sliced beef. This aims to make the meat tender quickly and easy to process again later.

How to store meat so it lasts and doesn't rot for up to 1 week  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sukakalimasak

Next, prepare 2 cm of crushed galangal and 2 tablespoons of white seasoning made from 3 cloves of garlic, 4 cloves of shallots, 2 candlenuts that have been sauteed and crushed. Apart from that, also prepare 3 bay leaves and 300 ml of water.

How to prepare it is easy, just add the sliced meat. Then add the spices and add 1 teaspoon stock powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper. Stir so that all ingredients are mixed evenly.

How to store meat so it lasts and doesn't rot for up to 1 week  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sukakalimasak

If so, cook the beef until the juices are cooked. For maximum results, it is best to cover the pan during the cooking process. But don't forget to stir occasionally so that the bottom doesn't burn and is cooked perfectly.

How to store meat so it lasts and doesn't rot for up to 1 week  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sukakalimasak

When it is dry, open the container and stir again. Then turn off the stove and wait until the meat cools slightly. Only then transfer it to an airtight container. After that, store the meat in the lower refrigerator or chiller. That way, the beef can last up to 1 week.

"This is really versatile, you can make anything after cooking it. You can make balado beef jerky, it's also delicious fried like that, a topping for fried rice/noodles, a pizza topping, bolognese sauce," said Instagram @sukakalimasak.
