foto: Instagram/@mamranny

With this trick, lettuce will stay fresh for a week.

  31 Agustus 2024 09:30 - Lettuce is a green vegetable that is very popular because of its crunchy texture and fresh taste that is suitable as a side dish for various dishes, especially salads and sandwiches. With a high water content and rich in vitamins and minerals, lettuce is the main choice for everyone who wants to eat healthy food.

Unfortunately, lettuce has one weakness that is often annoying, namely that it wilts quickly when stored. This is usually caused by the high water content in lettuce leaves which makes it susceptible to losing moisture and wilting if not stored properly. In addition, lettuce is also very sensitive to changes in temperature and improper storage conditions.

In fact, not infrequently, a little exposure to air or temperatures that are too cold or hot can cause lettuce to lose its crispy texture. In fact, lettuce that becomes soft tends to be less attractive. In addition, the nutrients in lettuce can also be reduced.

To prevent this, some people usually store lettuce with special tricks . For example, by putting lettuce in a jar or container that has been lined with tissue. Well, tissue is considered to be able to absorb moisture in lettuce, so that the texture remains crispy.

But instead of lining the tissue, you can use a more practical trick like what Instagram user @mamranny did. Through one of the videos she uploaded, she admitted to having a trick to store lettuce so that it stays fresh and green for up to 1 week. Not only that, even if the lettuce has wilted, this storage technique can make the vegetables fresh again, you know.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @mamranny on Saturday (31/8), the first thing to prepare is a plastic bag or clear plastic. Later, the lettuce will be stored in this plastic bag. However, before being stored, the lettuce must be washed first.

tricks to save wilted lettuce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mamranny

So, wash and wet the lettuce with water, then drain it for a while. Then put the lettuce in a clean plastic bag. Before tying it, make an air bubble in the plastic. Then tie the top until it is really tight.

tricks to save wilted lettuce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mamranny

Well, this packed lettuce can be put directly into the refrigerator. Just put it in the chiller or bottom shelf of the refrigerator . That way, the lettuce will be fresher and even the texture will be crispy again.

" It can last up to about 1 week. In fact, using this method, lettuce that was previously limp or wilted will stand up straight and be fresh again, Mom, " wrote the owner of the Instagram account @mamranny in her caption.

tricks to save wilted lettuce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mamranny

This video about lettuce storage tricks has been watched more than 33 thousand times. It is no wonder that many other Instagram users are interested and also provide direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens admit that this method is indeed very effective for preserving lettuce.

" I also store lettuce like this, thank God it lasts as long as I can, about a week ," said Instagram user @novilestari_np.

" I also really like lettuce, it's practical to eat vegetables without cooking them. But I like to store them in plastic jars and soak the stems. They can last up to a week as long as the refrigerator is cold, " said Instagram user @indahsuswanti.

" Thank you for the info, I was stressed about how to store it because it kept rotting, thank you, " said Instagram @innekirei.

" Passing by at the right time... Often throwing it away every time I buy lettuce because I eat it myself, " wrote the Instagram account @puputsp_29.
