
Coconut milk is made from the juice of old coconut flesh which has a high fat and water content.

  13 September 2024 11:00 - Using coconut milk for cooking can indeed be the right choice to improve the taste and texture of food. However, it should be noted that coconut milk is quite easy to spoil, even in a matter of hours, especially if not stored properly. This can reduce the quality of the taste and aroma of food, and even potentially cause health problems if consumed.

Coconut milk is made from the juice of old coconut meat which has a high fat and water content. Its content creates an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and microorganisms. When coconut milk is left at room temperature, these microorganisms can multiply rapidly, causing the coconut milk to become sour and smell bad.

Many people then rack their brains to use coconut milk in cooking so that it doesn't go stale, just like the owner of the Instagram account @ummubalqishaura. Through one of the videos uploaded, the netizen admitted to having his own trick so that the coconut milk dishes he made could last all day even though they were stored at room temperature. After investigating, he added one kitchen ingredient to his cooking.

how to make coconut milk dishes last all day  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Friday (13/9), the kitchen ingredient in question is table vinegar. Well, this table vinegar can be directly added to dishes that have been given coconut milk. However, its use must be done at the end when the dish is almost cooked and ready to be served.

how to make coconut milk dishes last all day  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

After adding vinegar, don't forget to stir the dish. Then cook again until the dish boils again. No need to worry about the taste, the vinegar used is only a small portion, so it doesn't make the dish sour. If so, you can immediately eat the dish.

"Adding a small amount of vinegar to coconut milk dishes can lower the pH, making the environment more acidic and inhibiting bacterial growth. Especially if stored at room temperature," explained Instagram @ummubalqishaura.

how to make coconut milk dishes last all day  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Since it was uploaded on September 2, the video about the coconut milk cooking trick has been watched more than 100 thousand times on Instagram. Who would have thought, many netizens claimed to be interested in trying the trick directly. This was expressed through the comments column.

"You really have to try this," said Instagram @ekarusmaliananew.

"Wow, I just found out, umm, thanks imm," said Instagram @bekelbunda_nia.

"I just found out, thank you Ummi for the knowledge. Jazakillah," wrote the Instagram account @sv.farida_official.

"Yes, it's true that people like to be lazy about cooking things with coconut milk," commented the Instagram account @zafranaina.

"Masya Allah, thank you umm... finally I got a new idea again," said Instagram @aishyi_cooking.
