
The texture of the noodles is soft when boiled, so it needs to be more detailed when cooking.

  6 September 2024 11:00 - Noodles are one of the food ingredients that people like because they can be cooked with various spices into many menus. This one food ingredient can even be processed quickly using simple spices. In addition to its delicious taste, noodles can also be a filling substitute for rice .

Unfortunately, there is one challenge when cooking noodles, namely the texture that is easily soft. In fact, for some people, delicious noodles have a chewy texture. In addition to being more delicious to consume, chewy noodles also tend to last longer when stored.

Then, so that the noodles can be chewy and not soft, some people usually add flour. So, this flour will be put into the boiling water together with boiling the noodles. The addition of flour is considered to be able to absorb excess moisture in the noodles, so that the texture will also be chewier.

But it should be noted that flour also has other effects. The aroma and taste of noodles boiled with flour tend to change because there is residue left behind. In addition, noodles can also become sticky when drained.

Instead, you can use the trick of boiling noodles like the one used by the netizen with the Instagram account @ummubalqishaura. Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to using another ingredient that is no less effective in keeping the texture of the noodles chewy. Well, this ingredient does not affect the original taste of the noodles, you know.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Thursday (5/9), the kitchen ingredient in question is ice cubes. To be more precise, these ice cubes will be mixed with water and used to soak the noodles. Well, this soaking process is carried out after the noodles are boiled until cooked.

trick to boil noodles to get a chewy texture without flour  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

For the further method, you can boil the noodles as usual first. Make sure the texture of the boiled noodles is not too cooked or even soft. After boiling, immediately remove and drain the noodles.

trick to boil noodles to get a chewy texture without flour  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Next, put the noodles in a bowl filled with water and ice cubes. Now, soak the noodles in this ice water for a few minutes. The drastic temperature change will keep the noodles chewy and even less likely to break.

trick to boil noodles to get a chewy texture without flour  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

In the upload, the owner of the Instagram account @ummubalqishaura further explains the function of soaking noodles in ice water. In addition to keeping the texture chewy, noodles also tend not to become soft easily. In addition, ice water also helps remove starch residue that can change the taste of the noodles.

Since it was uploaded on Sunday (1/8), the video about the trick of boiling noodles has been watched more than 134 thousand times. It is not surprising that many other Instagram users have also given their responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that they wanted to try the trick directly

"Thanks for the tips, mba Ummi," said Instagram @dina_rafasya.

"Then try cooking noodles like this," said Instagram @rumahummuayri.

"MasyaAllah, I just found out, sis," wrote the Instagram account @aryanach_.

"Same as the process of making meatballs, umm, nice tips um," commented Instagram @yuliaroza78.

"Pen tries to like chewy noodles," explained Instagram @danirapalace.
