The Cabinet members again wore their Reserve Component (Komcad) uniforms to take part in the activity. SEE MORE...
Dude Harlino's third child starts MPASI, take a peek at how Alyssa Soebandono makes the menu
8 dishes to welcome the newlyweds Yislam, Fadil Jaidi and Miskah's older brother, complete with sweets
Still eating fried food, Nikita Willy consumed these 7 menus when she was 7 months pregnant
Held again in Lombok, 9 menus at Valentino Rossi's MotoGP restaurant use local ingredients and spices
6 Luna Maya's diet keeps her weight stable at 59 kg, eating instant noodles 3 times a year
Ayu Ting Ting has breakfast with Ivan Gunawan, take a peek at the simple menu
Erina Gudono, Kaesang's wife, bought bread for Rp. 400 thousand while traveling in California, here is the photo
Weighing 130 kg to 75 kg, these 9 diets successfully changed the appearance of Fadlan Holao so mangling
9 Denise Chariesta's dishes are simple, appetizing, all home-cooked dishes
Don't be afraid to eat at a warteg, take a peek at the simple menu ordered by Celine Evangelista with Shandy Purnamasari
Weighing 12 kg, these 7 snacks can still be consumed by Prilly Latuconsina while on a diet
Turns out he has his own recipe book, El Rumi's way of cooking creamy broccoli amazed Mother Maia
Aaliyah Massaid's first dish after getting married, the menu was simple and made Tariq fall in love
Achieve body goals with a healthy diet, this is Sisca Kohl's trick for losing 10 kg of weight after giving birth
7 menus at Aaliyah Massaid's bridal shower were truly luxurious, complete with everything western
Welcoming the first day of fasting, this 11 celeb sahur menu is delicious and appetizing