foto: Instagram/

The aroma of orange peel does not last long, so it is less effective when used to prevent ants from coming.

  17 Februari 2024 10:30 - Ants are often considered very annoying pests. How could it not be, ants usually surround food stocks in the kitchen. If it is not packaged properly, this food can be infested with thousands of ants, making it contaminated and unfit for consumption.

Apart from targeting food stocks, ants will also usually come straight to pieces of food that have not been cleaned properly. This makes the kitchen, dining table and other parts of the house look dirtier because of the presence of ants.

So, to get rid of ants , some people usually use water soaked in orange peel. After investigating, the smell of orange peel is not liked by ants. Therefore, the group of ants will immediately leave by themselves.

However, please note that the aroma of orange peel does not last long, so it is less effective when used to prevent ants from coming. So, to get the most out of it, you can use other ingredients that are more effective in repelling and preventing the arrival of ants.

How to get rid of ants using simple ingredients found in the kitchen.

Luckily, this material was used by Instagram user Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he had an effective trick to repel and prevent ants from coming. Reported by BrilioFood on Friday (16/2), the trick is to use kitchen ingredients, namely table vinegar.

"We can use vinegar because it contains acetic acid and of course ants don't like it," he explained.

Effective tricks to repel and prevent ants  Instagram

photo: Instagram/

So, how to use it, you can first dissolve vinegar and plain water in a 1:1 ratio. Then mix the two in one container and stir. If so, transfer it to a spray bottle.

Effective tricks to repel and prevent ants  Instagram

photo: Instagram/

This vinegar solution mixed with water can also be used immediately. You just spray this liquid in places where ants often visit. Or if there are hordes of ants polluting the kitchen and other parts of the house, you can spray the liquid directly.

Effective tricks to repel and prevent ants  Instagram

photo: Instagram/

The strong smell of vinegar will basically repel ants by itself and discourage them from coming. However, for maximum results, spray regularly. That way, the house and kitchen will be free from ants.

Since it was uploaded on February 1, this video of effective tricks to repel and prevent ants has been watched more than 171 thousand times. It's not surprising that many other Instagram users are interested. Not a few even gave direct responses in the comments column.

"This is what I need, " said Instagram @budhenyafatih.

"Is it okay if it hits a plant? Because the wall with ants is close to the plant," asked the Instagram account @graharayabintaro.

"It's okay sis, it's safe," replied the video uploader, Instagram user

Effective tricks to repel and prevent ants  2024

An effective trick to repel and prevent ants
2024 Kharista

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.